R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- context()
- DBItest-package()
- make_placeholder_fun()
- spec_compliance_methods()
- spec_connection_disconnect()
- spec_driver_connect()
- spec_driver_constructor()
- spec_driver_data_type()
- spec_getting_started()
- spec_get_info()
- spec_meta_bind()
- spec_meta_column_info()
- spec_meta_get_rows_affected()
- spec_meta_get_row_count()
- spec_meta_get_statement()
- spec_meta_has_completed()
- spec_meta_is_valid()
- spec_result_clear_result()
- spec_result_create_table_with_data_type()
- spec_result_execute()
- spec_result_fetch()
- spec_result_get_query()
- spec_result_roundtrip()
- spec_result_send_query()
- spec_result_send_statement()
- spec_sql_append_table()
- spec_sql_create_table()
- spec_sql_exists_table()
- spec_sql_list_fields()
- spec_sql_list_objects()
- spec_sql_list_tables()
- spec_sql_quote_identifier()
- spec_sql_quote_literal()
- spec_sql_quote_string()
- spec_sql_read_table()
- spec_sql_remove_table()
- spec_sql_unquote_identifier()
- spec_sql_write_table()
- spec_transaction_begin_commit_rollback()
- spec_transaction_with_transaction()
- test_all()
- test_compliance()
- test_connection()
- test_data_type()
- test_driver()
- test_getting_started()
- test_meta()
- test_result()
- test_sql()
- test_stress()
- test_transaction()
- tweaks()
R Codes
- compat-purrr.R
- context.R
- dbi.R
- DBItest.R
- dummy.R
- expectations.R
- generics.R
- import-dbi.R
- import-testthat.R
- run.R
- s4.R
- spec-.R
- spec-all.R
- spec-compliance-methods.R
- spec-compliance.R
- spec-connection-data-type.R
- spec-connection-disconnect.R
- spec-connection-get-info.R
- spec-connection.R
- spec-driver-connect.R
- spec-driver-constructor.R
- spec-driver-data-type.R
- spec-driver-get-info.R
- spec-driver.R
- spec-getting-started.R
- spec-meta-bind-.R
- spec-meta-bind-runner.R
- spec-meta-bind-tester-extra.R
- spec-meta-bind.R
- spec-meta-column-info.R
- spec-meta-get-info-result.R
- spec-meta-get-row-count.R
- spec-meta-get-rows-affected.R
- spec-meta-get-statement.R
- spec-meta-has-completed.R
- spec-meta-is-valid.R
- spec-meta.R
- spec-result-clear-result.R
- spec-result-create-table-with-data-type.R
- spec-result-execute.R
- spec-result-fetch.R
- spec-result-get-query.R
- spec-result-roundtrip.R
- spec-result-send-query.R
- spec-result-send-statement.R
- spec-result.R
- spec-sql-append-table.R
- spec-sql-create-table.R
- spec-sql-exists-table.R
- spec-sql-list-fields.R
- spec-sql-list-objects.R
- spec-sql-list-tables.R
- spec-sql-quote-identifier.R
- spec-sql-quote-literal.R
- spec-sql-quote-string.R
- spec-sql-read-table.R
- spec-sql-remove-table.R
- spec-sql-unquote-identifier.R
- spec-sql-write-table.R
- spec-sql.R
- spec-stress-connection.R
- spec-stress.R
- spec-transaction-begin-commit-rollback.R
- spec-transaction-with-transaction.R
- spec-transaction.R
- test-all.R
- test-compliance.R
- test-connection.R
- test-driver.R
- test-getting-started.R
- test-meta.R
- test-result.R
- test-sql.R
- test-stress.R
- test-transaction.R
- tweaks.R
- utf8.R
- utils.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: DBItest
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