R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_df_covar_line()
- AIC.dsmodel()
- amakihi()
- bootdht()
- bootdht_Dhat_summarize()
- bootdht_Nhat_summarize()
- capercaillie()
- checkdata()
- ClusterExercise()
- convert_units()
- create.bins()
- create_bins()
- CueCountingExample()
- dht2()
- Distance-package()
- ds.gof()
- ds()
- ducknest()
- DuikerCameraTraps()
- dummy_ddf()
- ETP_Dolphin()
- flatfile()
- gof_ds()
- golftees()
- logLik.dsmodel()
- LTExercise()
- make_activity_fn()
- minke()
- plot.dsmodel()
- predict.dsmodel()
- predict.fake_ddf()
- print.dht_result()
- print.dsmodel()
- print.summary.dsmodel()
- PTExercise()
- p_dist_table()
- QAIC()
- Savannah_sparrow_1980()
- sikadeer()
- Stratify_example()
- summarize_ds_models()
- summary.dht_bootstrap()
- summary.dsmodel()
- Systematic_variance_1()
- unflatten()
- unimak()
- units_table()
- wren()
R Codes
- add_df_covar_line.R
- AIC.dsmodel.R
- bootdht.R
- bootdht_bootit.R
- bootdht_Dhat_summarize.R
- bootdht_Nhat_summarize.R
- bootdht_resample_data.R
- checkdata.R
- compute_df.R
- convert_units.R
- create.bins.R
- create_bins.R
- deprecated_args.R
- dht2.R
- dht2_checkdata.R
- dht2_misc.R
- dht2_multipliers.R
- dht2_process_ddf.R
- Distance-package.R
- ds.gof.R
- ds.R
- dsdata.R
- dummy_ddf.R
- ER_var_f.R
- get_adj_orders.R
- get_truncation.R
- gof_ds.R
- logLik.dsmodel.R
- make_activity_fn.R
- model.description.R
- plot.dsmodel.R
- predict.dsmodel.R
- print.dht_result.R
- print.dsmodel.R
- print.summary.dht_bootstrap.R
- print.summary.dsmodel.R
- p_dist_table.R
- safetruncate.R
- safe_factorize.R
- summarize_ds_models.R
- summary.dht_bootstrap.R
- summary.dsmodel.R
- unflatten.R
- units_table.R
- variance_contributions.R
- varNhat.R
Selected R package: Distance
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