R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- acidiq()
- algae()
- anova.drc()
- AR()
- auxins()
- backfit()
- barley()
- baro5()
- BC()
- boxcox.drc()
- braincousens()
- bread.drc()
- cedergreen()
- chickweed()
- CIcompX()
- coef.drc()
- comped()
- compParm()
- confint.drc()
- CRS.4a()
- CRS.5a()
- daphnids()
- decontaminants()
- deguelin()
- drm()
- drmc()
- earthworms()
- ED.drc()
- EDcomp()
- etmotc()
- EXD()
- finney71()
- fitted.drc()
- fplogistic()
- G.aparine()
- gammadr()
- gaussian()
- germination()
- getInitial()
- getMeanFunctions()
- glymet()
- gompertz()
- gompertzd()
- H.virescens()
- hatvalues.drc()
- heartrate()
- isobole()
- lepidium()
- lettuce()
- lin.test()
- LL.2()
- LL.3()
- LL.4()
- LL.5()
- llogistic()
- lnormal()
- logistic()
- logLik.drc()
- M.bahia()
- maED()
- MAX()
- mecter()
- metals()
- methionine()
- mixture()
- MM()
- modelFit()
- mr.test()
- mselect()
- multi2()
- nasturtium()
- NEC()
- neill.test()
- noEffect()
- O.mykiss()
- P.promelas()
- plot.drc()
- PR()
- predict.drc()
- print.drc()
- print.summary.drc()
- rdrm()
- residuals.drc()
- RScompetition()
- ryegrass()
- S.alba()
- S.capricornutum()
- searchdrc()
- secalonic()
- selenium()
- simDR()
- spinach()
- summary.drc()
- terbuthylazin()
- twophase()
- update.drc()
- ursa()
- vcov.drc()
- vinclozolin()
- W2()
- W3()
- W4()
- weibull1()
- yieldLoss()
R Codes
- absToRel.R
- anova.drc.R
- anova.drclist.R
- arandaordaz.R
- backfit.R
- baro5.R
- boxcox.drc.R
- braincousens.R
- braincousens.ssf.R
- cedergreen.R
- cedergreen.ssf.R
- CIcompX.R
- coef.drc.R
- commatFct.R
- comped.R
- compParm.R
- confint.drc.R
- cooks.distance.drc.R
- CRS.6.R
- drm.R
- drmc.R
- drmConvertParm.R
- drmEMbinomial.R
- drmEMls.R
- drmEMPoisson.R
- drmEMstandard.R
- drmLOFbinomial.R
- drmLOFls.R
- drmOpt.R
- drmParNames.R
- drmPNsplit.R
- drmRobust.R
- ED.drc.R
- ED.lin.R
- EDcomp.R
- EDhelper.R
- fct2list.R
- findbe.R
- findcd.R
- fitted.drc.R
- fplogistic.R
- gammadr.R
- gaussian.R
- gaussian.ssf.R
- genRetFct.R
- getInitial.R
- getMeanFunctions.R
- gompertz.R
- gompertz.ssf.R
- gompertzd.R
- hatvalues.drc.R
- hewlett.R
- iband.R
- idrm.R
- isobole.R
- lgaussian.R
- lin.test.R
- llogistic.R
- llogistic.ssf.R
- llogistic2.R
- lnormal.R
- lnormal.ssf.R
- logistic.R
- logistic.ssf.R
- logLik.drc.R
- maED.R
- mixture.R
- modelFit.R
- modelFunction.R
- mr.test.R
- mrdrm.R
- mselect.R
- multi2.R
- neill.test.R
- noEffect.R
- onAttach.R
- pickParm.R
- plot.drc.R
- PR.R
- predict.drc.R
- print.drc.R
- print.summary.drc.R
- rdrm.R
- relpot.R
- repChar.R
- residuals.drc.R
- resPrint.R
- rse.R
- Rsq.R
- sandwich.R
- searchdrc.R
- showNews.R
- siInner.R
- simDR.R
- simFct.R
- summary.drc.R
- threephase.R
- twophase.R
- ucedergreen.R
- update.drc.R
- ursa.R
- vcov.drc.R
- voelund.R
- weibull1.R
- weibull1.ssf.R
- weibull2.R
- weibull2.ssf.R
- weibull2x.R
- xlogx.R
- yieldLoss.R
Selected R package: drc
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