R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addWaterYear()
- calcWaterYear()
- checkWQPdates()
- constructNWISURL()
- constructUseURL()
- constructWQPURL()
- convertLists()
- countyCd()
- countyCdLookup()
- dataRetrieval()
- default_ua()
- findNLDI()
- getQuerySummary()
- getWebServiceData()
- get_nldi_sources()
- has_internet_2()
- importNGWMN()
- importRDB1()
- importWaterML1()
- importWaterML2()
- importWQP()
- is_dataRetrieval_user()
- parameterCdFile()
- pCodeToName()
- pcode_to_name()
- readNGWMNdata()
- readNGWMNlevels()
- readNGWMNsites()
- readNWISdata()
- readNWISdots()
- readNWISdv()
- readNWISgwl()
- readNWISmeas()
- readNWISpCode()
- readNWISpeak()
- readNWISqw()
- readNWISrating()
- readNWISsite()
- readNWISstat()
- readNWISuse()
- readNWISuv()
- readWQPdata()
- readWQPdots()
- readWQPqw()
- readWQPsummary()
- renameNWISColumns()
- setAccess()
- stateCd()
- stateCdLookup()
- whatNWISdata()
- whatNWISsites()
- whatWQPdata()
- wqpSpecials()
- zeroPad()
R Codes
- addWaterYear.R
- checkWQPdates.R
- constructNWISURL.R
- dataRetrievals-package.R
- findNLDI.R
- getWebServiceData.R
- importNGWMN_wml2.R
- importRDB1.R
- importWaterML1.R
- importWQP.R
- pcode_to_name.R
- readNGWMNdata.R
- readNWISdata.R
- readNWISdv.R
- readNWISpCode.R
- readNWISqw.R
- readNWISsite.R
- readNWISunit.R
- readWQPdata.R
- readWQPdots.R
- readWQPqw.R
- renameColumns.R
- setAccess.R
- whatNWISdata.R
- whatNWISsites.R
- whatWQPdata.R
- whatWQPsites.R
- zeroPad.R
Selected R package: dataRetrieval
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