R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- Cmetric()
- compclassf.classify()
- compclassf.train()
- CustomMethods()
- dataf.()
- dataf.geneexp()
- dataf.growth()
- dataf.medflies()
- dataf()
- dataf.population()
- dataf.population2010()
- dataf.sim.1.CFF07()
- dataf.sim.2.CFF07()
- dataf.tecator()
- dataf2rawfd()
- ddalpha-package()
- ddalpha.classify()
- ddalpha.getErrorRateCV()
- ddalpha.getErrorRatePart()
- ddalpha.test()
- ddalpha.train()
- ddalphaf.classify()
- ddalphaf.getErrorRateCV()
- ddalphaf.getErrorRatePart()
- ddalphaf.test()
- ddalphaf.train()
- depth.()
- depth.betaSkeleton()
- depth.contours.ddalpha()
- depth.contours()
- depth.graph()
- depth.halfspace()
- depth.L2()
- depth.Mahalanobis()
- depth.potential()
- depth.projection()
- depth.qhpeeling()
- depth.sample()
- depth.simplicial()
- depth.simplicialVolume()
- depth.space.()
- depth.space.halfspace()
- depth.space.Mahalanobis()
- depth.space.potential()
- depth.space.projection()
- depth.space.simplicial()
- depth.space.simplicialVolume()
- depth.space.spatial()
- depth.space.zonoid()
- depth.spatial()
- depth.zonoid()
- depthf.()
- depthf.ABD()
- depthf.BD()
- depthf.fd1()
- depthf.fd2()
- depthf.hM()
- depthf.hM2()
- depthf.HR()
- depthf.RP1()
- depthf.RP2()
- depthf.simplicialBand()
- derivatives.est()
- dknn.classify()
- dknn.classify.trained()
- dknn.train()
- draw.ddplot()
- FKS()
- getdata()
- infimalRank()
- is.in.convex()
- L2metric()
- plot.ddalpha()
- plot.ddalphaf()
- plot.functional()
- rawfd2dataf()
- resetPar()
- shape.fd.analysis()
- shape.fd.outliers()
R Codes
Selected R package: ddalpha
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