R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- branin()
- camelback()
- checkNames()
- coef()
- computeAuxVariables()
- covIso-class()
- covKernel-class()
- covMat1Mat2()
- covMatrix()
- covMatrixDerivative()
- covparam2vect()
- covParametersBounds()
- covScaling-class()
- covStruct.create()
- covTensorProduct-class()
- covUser-class()
- covVector.dx()
- cv()
- DiceKriging-package()
- drop.response()
- goldsteinPrice()
- hartman3()
- hartman6()
- inputnames()
- kernelname()
- km-class()
- km()
- km1Nugget.init()
- kmData()
- kmEstimate()
- kmNoNugget.init()
- kmNuggets.init()
- leaveOneOut.km()
- leaveOneOutFun()
- leaveOneOutGrad()
- logLik.km()
- logLikFun()
- logLikGrad()
- ninput()
- nuggetflag()
- nuggetvalue()
- plot.km()
- predict.km()
- SCAD.derivative()
- SCAD()
- scalingFun()
- scalingFun1d()
- scalingGrad()
- show.km()
- simulate.km()
- trend.deltax()
- trendMatrix.update()
- update.km()
- vect2covparam()
R Codes
- allGenerics.R
- branin.R
- camelback.R
- checkNames.R
- computeAuxVariables.R
- computeAuxVariables_noChol.R
- covMyKernel.R
- covStruct.create.R
- covStruct_Base_TensorProduct.R
- covStruct_Iso.R
- covStruct_Scaling.R
- covStruct_User.R
- covStruct_XtraClass_Union.R
- covStruct_XtraMethods.R
- cv.R
- diagABA.R
- drop.reponse.R
- goldsteinPrice.R
- hartman3.R
- hartman6.R
- km.R
- km1Nugget.init.R
- kmData.R
- kmEstimate.R
- kmNoNugget.init.R
- kmNuggets.init.R
- kmStruct.R
- leaveOneOut.km.R
- leaveOneOutFun.R
- leaveOneOutGrad.R
- logLik.km.R
- logLikFun.R
- logLikGrad.R
- SCAD.derivative.R
- scalingFun.R
- scalingGrad.R
- show.km.R
- trend.deltax.R
- trendMatrix.update.R
Selected R package: DiceKriging
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