R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- beets()
- bquote_fun_list()
- breastcancer()
- by-lapply()
- by-lmby()
- by-order()
- by-sample()
- by-split()
- by-subset()
- by-summary()
- by-transform()
- by_scale()
- carcass()
- chr_to_matrix()
- codstom()
- crimeRate()
- crime_rate()
- cropyield()
- data-budworm()
- data-mathmark()
- data-personality()
- data-prostate()
- data_cad()
- descStat()
- dietox()
- doBy-internal()
- dot-rhsf2list()
- esticon()
- expr_to_fun()
- fatacid()
- fev()
- firstlastobs()
- formula_ops()
- haldCement()
- interaction-plot()
- is-estimable()
- linest-get()
- linest-matrix()
- linest()
- ls-means()
- matrix_op()
- mb_summary()
- milkman()
- NIRmilk()
- nir_milk()
- null-basis()
- parseGroupFormula()
- potatoes()
- recodeVar()
- recover_pca_data()
- renameCol()
- scale_df()
- section_fun()
- split_byrow_bycol()
- sub_seq()
- taylor()
- tidy-esticon()
- tidy-linest()
- timeSinceEvent()
- which.maxn()
R Codes
- bquote_list.R
- by_lapplyBy.R
- by_lmBy.R
- by_orderBy.R
- by_sampleBy.R
- by_scaleBy.R
- by_splitBy.R
- by_subsetBy.R
- by_summaryBy.R
- by_transformBy.R
- data_budworm.R
- DATA_cad.R
- DATA_doby.R
- DATA_personality.R
- descStat.R
- dobyxtabs.R
- doby_utilities.R
- esticon.R
- expr_to_fun.R
- firstobs_lastobs.R
- formula_ops.R
- interaction_plot.R
- linest_compute.R
- linest_get.R
- linest_LSmeans.R
- linest_matrix.R
- linest_utilities.R
- matrix_op.R
- microbenchmark.R
- recodeVar.R
- recover_pca_data.R
- renameCol.R
- section_fun.R
- split_byrow_bycol.R
- sub_seq.R
- taylor.R
- tidy.R
- time_since_event.R
- which_maxn.R
Selected R package: doBy
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