R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- ABCCoords()
- Abind()
- Abstract()
- AddMonths()
- AddMonthsYM()
- Agree()
- AllDuplicated()
- AllIdentical()
- AndersonDarlingTest()
- Append()
- Arrow()
- as.matrix()
- AscToChar()
- Asp()
- Assocs()
- Atkinson()
- AUC()
- AxisBreak()
- axTicks.POSIXct()
- BarnardTest()
- BartelsRankTest()
- BarText()
- BaseConversions()
- Benf()
- Between()
- Bg()
- BhapkarTest()
- BinomCI()
- BinomCIn()
- BinomDiffCI()
- BinTree()
- BootCI()
- BoxCox()
- BoxCoxLambda()
- BoxedText()
- BreslowDayTest()
- BreuschGodfreyTest()
- BrierScore()
- BubbleLegend()
- Canvas()
- CartToPol()
- CatTable()
- CCC()
- Clockwise()
- Closest()
- Coalesce()
- CochranArmitageTest()
- CochranQTest()
- CoefVar()
- CohenD()
- CohenKappa()
- CollapseTable()
- ColorLegend()
- ColToGrey()
- ColToHex()
- ColToHsv()
- ColToRgb()
- ColumnWrap()
- CombPairs()
- CompleteColumns()
- ConDisPairs()
- Conf()
- ConnLines()
- ConoverTest()
- Contrasts()
- ConvUnit()
- Cor()
- CorPart()
- CorPolychor()
- CountCompCases()
- CountWorkDays()
- CourseData()
- CramerV()
- CramerVonMisesTest()
- CronbachAlpha()
- Cross()
- CrossN()
- Cstat()
- CutQ()
- d.countries()
- d.diamonds()
- d.periodic()
- d.pizza()
- d.whisky()
- DatasetsforSimulation()
- DateFunctions()
- day.name()
- DegToRad()
- Desc()
- DescTools-package()
- DescToolsOptions()
- DigitSum()
- DivCoef()
- DivCoefMax()
- Divisors()
- DoBy()
- DoCall()
- Dot()
- DrawArc()
- DrawBand()
- DrawBezier()
- DrawCircle()
- DrawEllipse()
- DrawRegPolygon()
- Dummy()
- DunnettTest()
- DunnTest()
- DurbinWatsonTest()
- Entropy()
- Eps()
- ErrBars()
- EtaSq()
- ExpFreq()
- ExtrVal()
- Factorize()
- FctArgs()
- Fibonacci()
- FindColor()
- FindCorr()
- FisherZ()
- FixToTable()
- Format()
- Frac()
- Frechet()
- Freq()
- Freq2D()
- GCD()
- GenExtrVal()
- GenPareto()
- GenRandGroups()
- GeomSn()
- GeomTrans()
- GetCalls()
- GetCurrWrd()
- GetNewWrd()
- GetNewXL()
- Gini()
- GiniSimpson()
- Gmean()
- Gompertz()
- GoodmanKruskalGamma()
- GoodmanKruskalTau()
- GTest()
- Gumbel()
- Herfindahl()
- HexToCol()
- HexToRgb()
- Hmean()
- HmsToSec()
- HodgesLehmann()
- HoeffD()
- HosmerLemeshowTest()
- HotellingsT()
- HuberM()
- ICC()
- identify.formula()
- IdentifyA()
- InDots()
- IQRw()
- IsDate()
- IsDichotomous()
- IsEuclid()
- IsOdd()
- IsPrime()
- IsValidHwnd()
- IsWhole()
- JarqueBeraTest()
- JonckheereTerpstraTest()
- KappaM()
- KendallTauA()
- KendallTauB()
- KendallW()
- Keywords()
- KnnImputation()
- KrippAlpha()
- Label()
- Lambda()
- Large()
- Lc()
- LehmacherTest()
- LeveneTest()
- like()
- LillieTest()
- lines.lm()
- lines.loess()
- LineToUser()
- LinScale()
- LOCF()
- LOF()
- Logit()
- LogSt()
- LsFct()
- MAD()
- MAE()
- Mar()
- matpow()
- Mean()
- MeanAD()
- MeanCI()
- MeanCIn()
- MeanDiffCI()
- MeanSE()
- Median()
- MedianCI()
- MHChisqTest()
- Midx()
- MixColor()
- Mode()
- MosesTest()
- MoveAvg()
- MultinomCI()
- MultMerge()
- n()
- NemenyiTest()
- nin()
- NPV()
- OddsRatio()
- Order()
- ORToRelRisk()
- Outlier()
- overlaps()
- PageTest()
- PairApply()
- Pal()
- ParseFormula()
- ParseSASDatalines()
- PasswordDlg()
- paste()
- PDFManual()
- PearsonTest()
- PercentRank()
- PercTable()
- Permn()
- Phrase()
- PlotACF()
- PlotArea()
- PlotBag()
- PlotBubble()
- PlotCandlestick()
- PlotCashFlow()
- PlotCirc()
- PlotConDens()
- PlotCorr()
- PlotDot()
- PlotECDF()
- PlotFaces()
- PlotFdist()
- PlotFun()
- PlotLinesA()
- PlotLog()
- PlotMarDens()
- PlotMiss()
- PlotMonth()
- PlotMosaic()
- PlotMultiDens()
- PlotPairs()
- PlotPolar()
- PlotProbDist()
- PlotPyramid()
- PlotQQ()
- PlotTernary()
- PlotTreemap()
- PlotVenn()
- PlotViolin()
- PlotWeb()
- PMT()
- PoissonCI()
- PolarGrid()
- PostHocTest()
- power.chisq.test()
- PpPlot()
- Primes()
- PseudoR2()
- PtInPoly()
- Quantile()
- QuantileCI()
- Quot()
- Range()
- Rank()
- Recode()
- Recycle()
- RelRisk()
- Rename()
- ReorderFactor()
- Rev()
- RevCode()
- RevGumbel()
- RevWeibull()
- RgbOpaque()
- RgbToCmy()
- RgbToCol()
- RndPairs()
- RobScale()
- RomanToInt()
- Rotate()
- RoundTo()
- RSessionAlive()
- rSum21()
- RunsTest()
- Sample()
- SampleTwins()
- SaveAs()
- ScheffeTest()
- SD()
- SendOutlookMail()
- SetAlpha()
- SetNames()
- Shade()
- ShapiroFranciaTest()
- SiegelTukeyTest()
- SignTest()
- Skew()
- SLN()
- SmoothSpline()
- Some()
- SomersDelta()
- Sort()
- SortMixed()
- SpearmanRho()
- split.formula()
- SplitAt()
- SplitPath()
- SplitToCol()
- SplitToDummy()
- SpreadOut()
- Stamp()
- StdCoef()
- Str()
- StrAbbr()
- StrAlign()
- Strata()
- StrCap()
- StrChop()
- StrCountW()
- StrDist()
- StrExtract()
- StripAttr()
- StrIsNumeric()
- StrPad()
- StrPos()
- StrRev()
- StrRight()
- StrSpell()
- StrSplit()
- StrTrim()
- StrTrunc()
- StrVal()
- StuartMaxwellTest()
- StuartTauC()
- SysInfo()
- TextContrastColor()
- TextToTable()
- TheilU()
- TitleRect()
- TMod()
- TOne()
- ToWide()
- ToWrd()
- ToWrdB()
- ToWrdPlot()
- Trim()
- TTestA()
- TukeyBiweight()
- TwoGroups()
- UncertCoef()
- UnirootAll()
- Untable()
- Unwhich()
- VanWaerdenTest()
- Var()
- VarCI()
- VarTest()
- VecRot()
- VIF()
- Vigenere()
- VonNeumannTest()
- wdConst()
- Winsorize()
- WithOptions()
- WoolfTest()
- WrdBookmark()
- WrdCaption()
- WrdCellRange()
- WrdFont()
- WrdFormatCells()
- WrdMergeCells()
- WrdPageBreak()
- WrdParagraphFormat()
- WrdPlot()
- WrdSaveAs()
- WrdStyle()
- WrdTable()
- WrdTableBorders()
- XLDateToPOSIXct()
- XLGetRange()
- XLSaveAs()
- XLView()
- YuenTTest()
- ZeroIfNA()
- Zodiac()
- ZTest()
R Codes
Selected R package: DescTools
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