R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add.hotspot-methods()
- analyse.data-methods()
- Density-class()
- Density.Summary-class()
- description.summary()
- Detectability-class()
- DS.Analysis-class()
- dsims-package()
- generate.population-methods()
- generate.transects.Simulation-methods()
- get.densities-methods()
- get.N-methods()
- histogram.N.ests-methods()
- make.density()
- make.detectability()
- make.ds.analysis()
- make.population.description()
- make.simulation()
- plot-methods()
- plot.Density-methods()
- plot.Detectability-methods()
- plot.Population-methods()
- Population-class()
- Population.Description-class()
- run.simulation-methods()
- run.survey-methods()
- rztpois()
- save.sim.results-methods()
- set.densities-methods()
- show.Density.Summary-methods()
- show.Simulation-methods()
- show.Simulation.Summary-methods()
- Simulation-class()
- Simulation.Summary-class()
- summary.Density-methods()
- summary.Simulation-methods()
- Survey-class()
- Survey.LT-class()
- Survey.PT-class()
R Codes
- accumulate.PP.results.R
- accumulate.warnings.R
- add.covariate.values.R
- add.summary.results.R
- AICc.R
- calc.perp.dists.R
- calc.rad.dists.R
- calculate.scale.param.R
- check.covariates.R
- check.simulation.R
- check.transects.R
- ClassConstructors.R
- create.results.arrays.R
- Density.R
- Density.Summary.R
- description.summary.R
- Detectability.R
- DS.Analysis.R
- dsims-package.R
- generate.pop.D.R
- generate.pop.N.R
- generic.functions.R
- get.covered.area.lines.R
- get.covered.area.points.R
- get.density.surface.R
- message.handler.R
- modify.strata.for.analysis.R
- Population.Description.R
- Population.R
- process.dist.shapes.R
- read.line.transects.R
- read.point.transects.R
- read.seg.transects.R
- run.simulation.R
- rztpois.R
- save.sim.results.R
- simulate.detections.R
- Simulation.R
- Simulation.Summary.R
- single.sim.loop.R
- store.ddf.results.R
- store.dht.results.R
- Survey.LT.R
- Survey.PT.R
- Survey.R
Selected R package: dsims
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