R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add.generator()
- add.joint.mean.many()
- add.uncond.mean.one()
- ARsim()
- BD.EMInference.prodExpecs()
- bdARsimCondEnd()
- BDloglikelihood.PO()
- BDMC-class()
- BDMC_many-class()
- BDPOloglikeGradSqr.CTMC_PO_many()
- BDsummaryStats()
- birth.death.simulant()
- bracket-methods()
- combineCTMC()
- CTMC-class()
- CTMC.simulate()
- CTMC.simulate.piecewise()
- CTMC2list()
- CTMCPO2indepIntervals()
- CTMC_PO_1-class()
- CTMC_PO_many-class()
- derivType()
- doublebracket-methods()
- EM.BD.SC.cov.1sv()
- EM.BD.SC()
- EMutilities()
- getBDinform()
- getBDinform.PO()
- getBDjTimes()
- getBDMCsPOlist-methods()
- getDataSummary.CTMC_PO_many()
- getInitParams()
- getIthJumpTime()
- getMCstate()
- getNewParams.SC()
- getPartialData()
- getStates()
- getSubMC()
- getT-methods()
- getTimes()
- getTs-methods()
- graph.CTMC()
- list2CTMC()
- Nij()
- Nplus()
- num.deriv()
- plot-methods()
- power.coef.one()
- process.prob.one()
- sampleJumpTime()
- sim.condBD()
- simplify()
- sub-methods()
R Codes
- accRejSim.R
- accRejSim_helpers.R
- ARsim.R
- BDclasses.R
- BD_calc.R
- BD_calc_helpers.R
- BD_chooseSim.R
- BD_chooseSim_helpers.R
- BD_EM_helpers.R
- BD_EM_helpers_covariates.R
- BD_EM_inference.R
- BD_EM_inference_covariates.R
- BD_EM_inference_helpers.R
- BD_exactSim_helpers.R
- BD_generic_covariates.R
- BD_MCMC_helpers.R
- BD_sim.R
- combineCTMC.R
- CTMC.simulate.piecewise.R
- CTMC.simulate.R
- CTMCPO2indepIntervals.R
- CTMCPO2indepIntervals_helpers.R
- CTMCutils.R
- CTMCutils_helpers.R
- getDataSummary_helpers.R
- numDeriv.R
- numDeriv_helpers.R
- OPS_helpers.R
- sim.condBD.R
Selected R package: DOBAD
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