R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_leaf_branch()
- add_multichotomous_tip()
- add_one_sample()
- add_root()
- attach_subtree()
- a_t_one()
- a_t_two()
- compute_IC()
- create_leaf_cor_matrix()
- data_hchs()
- data_synthetic()
- ddtlcm()
- ddtlcm_fit()
- div_time()
- draw_mnorm()
- expit()
- exp_normalize()
- H_n()
- initialize()
- initialize_hclust()
- initialize_poLCA()
- initialize_randomLCM()
- J_n()
- logit()
- logllk_ddt()
- logllk_ddt_lcm()
- logllk_div_time_one()
- logllk_div_time_two()
- logllk_lcm()
- logllk_location()
- logllk_tree_topology()
- log_expit()
- plot.summary.ddt_lcm()
- plot_tree_with_barplot()
- plot_tree_with_heatmap()
- predict.ddt_lcm()
- predict.summary.ddt_lcm()
- print.ddt_lcm()
- print.summary.ddt_lcm()
- proposal_log_prob()
- quiet()
- random_detach_subtree()
- reattach_point()
- result_hchs()
- sample_class_assignment()
- sample_c_one()
- sample_c_two()
- sample_leaf_locations_pg()
- sample_sigmasq()
- sample_tree_topology()
- simulate_DDT_tree()
- simulate_lcm_given_tree()
- simulate_lcm_response()
- simulate_parameter_on_tree()
- summary.ddt_lcm()
- WAIC()
R Codes
Selected R package: ddtlcm
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