R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- apply_time_restriciton()
- atemp_plausi_results()
- check_date_restriction_requirements()
- completeness()
- create_helper_vars()
- create_markdown()
- data_loading()
- descriptive_results()
- dqa()
- etl_checks()
- export_aggregated()
- format_value_conformance_results()
- generate_datamap()
- get_atemp_plausis()
- get_restricting_date_info()
- is_latex_installed()
- load_csv()
- load_database()
- load_sqls()
- parallel()
- read_mdr()
- reduce_cat()
- test_csv()
- uniq_plausi_results()
- value_conformance()
- value_conformance_checks()
R Codes
- calc_cat_stats.R
- calc_counts.R
- calc_description.R
- calc_stats.R
- categorical_analysis.R
- completeness.R
- conformance.R
- count_uniques.R
- create_markdown.R
- dataloading.R
- datamap.R
- datetime_restrictions.R
- descriptive_results.R
- etl.R
- export_results.R
- extensive_summary.R
- format_value_conformance_results.R
- get_key_col.R
- mdr.R
- plausibilities.R
- plausibility_results.R
- reduce_cat.R
- report.R
- simple_summary.R
- test_csv.R
- utils.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: DQAstats
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