R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- calculate_condition_mean_sd_per_gene()
- crossPanel()
- cross_plot()
- DEanalysis()
- DEpanel()
- DEplotPanel()
- DEsummaryPanel()
- determine_uds()
- enrichmentPanel()
- expression_heatmap()
- find_regulators_with_recurring_edges()
- generateShinyApp()
- genes_barplot()
- get_link_list_rename()
- GRNCisPanel()
- GRNCustomPanel()
- GRNpanel()
- GRNTransPanel()
- infer_GRN()
- jaccard_heatmap()
- jaccard_index()
- landingPanel()
- make_heatmap_matrix()
- make_pattern_matrix()
- ma_plot()
- modalityPanel()
- noisyr_counts_with_plot()
- patternPanel()
- pipe()
- plot_GRN()
- plot_line_pattern()
- plot_pca()
- plot_upset()
- preprocessExpressionMatrix()
- preprocess_miRTarBase()
- QCpanel()
- qc_density_plot()
- qc_violin_plot()
- rescale_matrix()
- sampleSelectPanel()
- scatter_plot()
- volcano_plot()
R Codes
- crossPanel.R
- cross_plot.R
- DEfuns.R
- DEpanel.R
- DEplotFuns.R
- DEplotPanel.R
- DEsummaryFuns.R
- DEsummaryPanel.R
- enrichmentPanel.R
- generateShinyApp.R
- GRNCisPanel.R
- GRNCustomPanel.R
- GRNfuns.R
- GRNpanel.R
- GRNTransPanel.R
- landingPanel.R
- modalityPanel.R
- patternFuns.R
- patternPanel.R
- preprocessExpressionMatrix.R
- preprocess_miRTarBase.R
- QCpanel.R
- QCplotFuns.R
- sampleSelectPanel.R
- utils-pipe.R
Selected R package: bulkAnalyseR
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