R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- batchmix-package()
- batchSemiSupervisedMixtureModel()
- calcAllocProb()
- checkDataGenerationInputs()
- checkProposalWindows()
- collectAcceptanceRates()
- continueChain()
- continueChains()
- createSimilarityMat()
- gammaLogLikelihood()
- generateBatchData()
- generateBatchDataLogPoisson()
- generateBatchDataMVT()
- generateBatchDataVaryingRepresentation()
- generateGroupIDsInSimulator()
- generateInitialLabels()
- getLikelihood()
- getSampledBatchScale()
- getSampledBatchShift()
- getSampledClusterMeans()
- invGammaLogLikelihood()
- invWishartLogLikelihood()
- plotAcceptanceRates()
- plotLikelihoods()
- plotSampledBatchMeans()
- plotSampledBatchScales()
- plotSampledClusterMeans()
- plotSampledParameter()
- predictClass()
- predictFromMultipleChains()
- prepareInitialParameters()
- processMCMCChain()
- processMCMCChains()
- rStickBreakingPrior()
- runBatchMix()
- runMCMCChains()
- sampleMVN()
- sampleMVT()
- samplePriorLabels()
- sampleSemisupervisedMVN()
- sampleSemisupervisedMVT()
- wishartLogLikelihood()
R Codes
- batchmix-package.R
- batchSemiSupervisedMixtureModel.R
- calcAllocProb.R
- catch-routine-registration.R
- checkDataGenerationInputs.R
- checkProposalWindows.R
- collectAcceptanceRates.R
- continueChain.R
- continueChains.R
- generateBatchData.R
- generateBatchDataLogPoisson.R
- generateBatchDataMVT.R
- generateBatchDataVaryingRepresentation.R
- generateGroupIDsInSimulator.R
- generateInitialLabels.R
- getLikelihood.R
- getSampledBatchScale.R
- getSampledBatchShift.R
- getSampledClusterMeans.R
- plotAcceptanceRates.R
- plotLikelihoods.R
- plotSampledBatchMeans.R
- plotSampledBatchScales.R
- plotSampledClusterMeans.R
- plotSampledParameter.R
- predictClass.R
- predictFromMultipleChains.R
- prepareInitialParameters.R
- processMCMCChain.R
- processMCMCChains.R
- RcppExports.R
- rStickBreakingPrior.R
- runBatchMix.R
- runMCMCChains.R
- samplePriorLabels.R
Selected R package: batchmix
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