R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- amend()
- autoplot()
- average_endpoints()
- average_estimates()
- bayesmanecfit-class()
- bayesnec-package()
- bayesnecfit-class()
- bayesnecformula()
- beta_binomial2()
- beta_binomial2_lpmf()
- beta_binomial2_rng()
- bnec()
- bnecfit-class()
- bnec_newdata()
- c.bnecfit()
- check_chains()
- check_formula()
- check_priors()
- compare_endpoints()
- compare_estimates()
- compare_fitted()
- compare_posterior()
- dispersion()
- ecx()
- expand_manec()
- expand_nec()
- fitted()
- formula()
- ggbnec_data()
- herbicide()
- is_manecsummary()
- is_necsummary()
- log_lik_beta_binomial2()
- make_brmsformula()
- manecsummary-class()
- manec_example()
- model.frame()
- models()
- nec()
- necsummary-class()
- nec_data()
- nsec()
- plot()
- plus-.bnecfit()
- posterior_epred()
- posterior_epred_beta_binomial2()
- posterior_predict()
- posterior_predict_beta_binomial2()
- prebayesnecfit-class()
- predict()
- print()
- pull_brmsfit()
- pull_out()
- pull_prior()
- quote-beta_binomial-quote()
- rhat()
- sample_priors()
- show_params()
- summary()
- update.bnecfit()
R Codes
- add_criteria.R
- amend.R
- autoplot.R
- average_endpoints.R
- average_estimates.R
- bayesmanecfit-class.R
- bayesnec-package.R
- bayesnecfit-class.R
- bayesnecformula.R
- beta_binomial2.R
- bnec.R
- bnecfit-class.R
- bnecfit-methods.R
- bnec_newdata.R
- capture_family.R
- check_chains.R
- check_data.R
- check_models.R
- check_priors.R
- compare_endpoints.R
- compare_estimates.R
- compare_fitted.R
- compare_posterior.R
- data.R
- define_prior.R
- dispersion.R
- ecx.R
- expand_classes.R
- extract_simdat.R
- fitted.R
- fit_bayesnec.R
- formula.R
- helpers.R
- inits_functions.R
- manecsummary-class.R
- model.frame.R
- models.R
- nec.R
- necsummary-class.R
- nsec.R
- plot.R
- posterior_epred.R
- posterior_predict.R
- prebayesnecfit-class.R
- predict.R
- pred_equations.R
- print.R
- pull_brmsfit.R
- pull_out.R
- pull_prior.R
- rhat.R
- sample_priors.R
- set_distribution.R
- show_params.R
- summary.R
- validate_family.R
- validate_loo_controls.R
- validate_priors.R
Selected R package: bayesnec
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