R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- assess_convergence()
- assign_cluster()
- asymptotic_partition_function()
- BayesMallows-package()
- BayesMallows()
- beach_preferences()
- bernoulli_data()
- calculate_backward_probability()
- calculate_forward_probability()
- cluster_data()
- compute_consensus.BayesMallows()
- compute_consensus.consensus_SMCMallows()
- compute_consensus()
- compute_expected_distance()
- compute_importance_sampling_estimate()
- compute_mallows()
- compute_mallows_mixtures()
- compute_observation_frequency()
- compute_posterior_intervals.BayesMallows()
- compute_posterior_intervals()
- compute_posterior_intervals.SMCMallows()
- compute_posterior_intervals_alpha()
- compute_posterior_intervals_rho()
- compute_rank_distance()
- compute_rho_consensus()
- correction_kernel()
- correction_kernel_pseudo()
- create_ranking()
- dot-generate_transitive_closure()
- estimate_partition_function()
- expected_dist()
- generate_constraints()
- generate_initial_ranking()
- generate_transitive_closure()
- get_cardinalities()
- get_exponent_sum()
- get_mallows_loglik()
- get_partition_function()
- get_rank_distance()
- get_sample_probabilities()
- get_transitive_closure()
- heat_plot()
- label_switching()
- leap_and_shift_probs()
- log_expected_dist()
- metropolis_hastings_alpha()
- metropolis_hastings_aug_ranking()
- metropolis_hastings_rho()
- obs_freq()
- plot.BayesMallows()
- plot.SMCMallows()
- plot_alpha_posterior()
- plot_elbow()
- plot_rho_posterior()
- plot_top_k()
- potato_true_ranking()
- potato_visual()
- potato_weighing()
- predict_top_k()
- print.BayesMallows()
- print.BayesMallowsMixtures()
- rank_conversion()
- rank_distance()
- rank_freq_distr()
- rmallows()
- run_mcmc()
- sample_dataset()
- sample_mallows()
- setup_rank_data()
- set_compute_options()
- set_initial_values()
- set_model_options()
- set_priors()
- set_smc_options()
- smc_mallows_new_item_rank()
- smc_mallows_new_users()
- smc_processing()
- sushi_rankings()
- update_mallows()
- validate_permutation()
R Codes
- all_topological_sorts.R
- assess_convergence.R
- assign_cluster.R
- BayesMallows.R
- catch-routine-registration.R
- compute_consensus.R
- compute_mallows.R
- compute_mallows_mixtures.R
- compute_observation_frequency.R
- compute_posterior_intervals.R
- compute_rank_distance.R
- data.R
- estimate_partition_function.R
- expected_dist.R
- generate_constraints.R
- generate_initial_ranking.R
- generate_transitive_closure.R
- get_cardinalities.R
- get_mallows_loglik.R
- get_transitive_closure.R
- heat_plot.R
- label_switching.R
- misc.R
- misc_expected_dist.R
- obs_freq.R
- plot.BayesMallows.R
- plot.R
- plot_elbow.R
- plot_top_k.R
- predict_top_k.R
- print.BayesMallows.R
- print.BayesMallowsMixtures.R
- print.R
- rank_conversion.R
- rank_distance.R
- rank_freq_distr.R
- RcppExports.R
- sample_mallows.R
- setup_rank_data.R
- set_compute_options.R
- set_initial_values.R
- set_model_options.R
- set_priors.R
- set_smc_options.R
- smc_mallows_deprecated.R
- smc_post_processing_functions.R
- tidy_mcmc.R
- update_mallows.R
- validation_functions.R
Selected R package: BayesMallows
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