R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add.ar()
- add.dynamic.regression()
- add.local.level()
- add.local.linear.trend()
- add.monthly.annual.cycle()
- add.random.walk.holiday()
- add.seasonal()
- add.semilocal.linear.trend()
- add.shared.local.level()
- add.static.intercept()
- add.student.local.linear.trend()
- add.trig()
- aggregate.time.series()
- aggregate.weeks.to.months()
- auto.ar()
- bsts()
- bsts.options()
- compare.bsts.models()
- date.range()
- descriptive-plots()
- diagnostic-plots()
- dirm-model-options()
- dirm()
- estimate.time.scale()
- extend.time()
- format.timestamps()
- gdp()
- geometric.sequence()
- get.fraction()
- goog()
- HarveyCumulator()
- holiday()
- iclaims()
- last.day.in.month()
- MATCH.NumericTimestamps()
- match.week.to.month()
- max.window.width()
- mbsts()
- mixed.frequency()
- month.distance()
- named.holidays()
- new.home.sales()
- one.step.prediction.errors()
- plot.bsts.mixed()
- plot.bsts()
- plot.bsts.prediction()
- plot.bsts.predictors()
- plot.holiday()
- plot.mbsts()
- plot.mbsts.prediction()
- predict.bsts()
- predict.mbsts()
- quarter()
- regression.holiday()
- regularize.timestamps()
- residuals.bsts()
- rsxfs()
- shark()
- shorten()
- simulate.fake.mixed.frequency.data()
- spike.slab.ar.prior()
- state.sizes()
- StateSpecification()
- SuggestBurn()
- summary.bsts()
- to.posixt()
- turkish()
- week.ends()
- weekday.names()
- wide.to.long()
R Codes
- add.ar.R
- add.dynamic.regression.R
- add.generalized.local.linear.trend.R
- add.local.level.R
- add.local.linear.trend.R
- add.monthly.annual.cycle.R
- add.random.walk.holiday.R
- add.regression.holiday.R
- add.seasonal.R
- add.semilocal.linear.trend.R
- add.static.intercept.R
- add.student.local.linear.trend.R
- add.trig.R
- bsts.R
- compare.bsts.models.R
- date.functions.R
- diagnostics.R
- dirm.R
- format.learning.data.R
- format.timestamps.R
- holiday.R
- mbsts.plots.R
- mbsts.R
- mixed.frequency.R
- plots.R
- plot_seasonal_effect.R
- predict.bsts.R
- predict.mbsts.R
- summary.bsts.R
- utils.R
Selected R package: bsts
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