R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- airbnb()
- airbnb_small()
- bald_eagles()
- basketball()
- bechdel()
- big_word_club()
- bikes()
- bike_users()
- bird_counts()
- book_banning()
- cherry_blossom_sample()
- classification_summary()
- classification_summary_cv()
- climbers_sub()
- coffee_ratings()
- coffee_ratings_small()
- equality_index()
- fake_news()
- football()
- hotel_bookings()
- loons()
- moma()
- moma_sample()
- naive_classification_summary()
- naive_classification_summary_cv()
- penguins_bayes()
- plot_beta()
- plot_beta_binomial()
- plot_beta_ci()
- plot_binomial_likelihood()
- plot_gamma()
- plot_gamma_poisson()
- plot_normal()
- plot_normal_likelihood()
- plot_normal_normal()
- plot_poisson_likelihood()
- pop_vs_soda()
- prediction_summary()
- prediction_summary_cv()
- pulse_of_the_nation()
- sample_mode()
- spotify()
- summarize_beta()
- summarize_beta_binomial()
- summarize_gamma()
- summarize_gamma_poisson()
- summarize_normal_normal()
- voices()
- weather_australia()
- weather_perth()
- weather_WU()
R Codes
- classification_summary.R
- classification_summary_cv.R
- data_airbnb.R
- data_airbnb_small.R
- data_bald_eagles.R
- data_basketball.R
- data_bechdel.R
- data_big_word_club.R
- data_bikes.R
- data_bike_users.R
- data_bird_counts.R
- data_book_banning.R
- data_cherry_blossom_sample.R
- data_climbers_sub.R
- data_coffee_ratings.R
- data_coffee_ratings_small.R
- data_equality_index.R
- data_fake_news.R
- data_football.R
- data_hotel_bookings.R
- data_loons.R
- data_moma.R
- data_moma_sample.R
- data_penguins_bayes.R
- data_pop_vs_soda.R
- data_pulse_of_the_nation.R
- data_spotify.R
- data_voices.R
- data_weather_australia.R
- data_weather_perth.R
- data_weather_WU.R
- globals.R
- naive_classification_summary.R
- naive_classification_summary_cv.R
- plot_beta.R
- plot_beta_binomial.R
- plot_beta_ci.R
- plot_binomial_likelihood.R
- plot_gamma.R
- plot_gamma_poisson.R
- plot_normal.R
- plot_normal_likelihood.R
- plot_normal_normal.R
- plot_poisson_likelihood.R
- prediction_summary.R
- prediction_summary_cv.R
- sample_mode.R
- summarize_beta.R
- summarize_beta_binomial.R
- summarize_gamma.R
- summarize_gamma_poisson.R
- summarize_normal_normal.R
Selected R package: bayesrules
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