R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- AdaptpCR()
- AM()
- applySettingsDefault()
- BayesianTools()
- betaFun()
- bridgesample()
- calibrationTest()
- checkBayesianSetup()
- combineChains()
- convertCoda()
- correctThin()
- correlationPlot()
- createBayesianSetup()
- createBetaPrior()
- createLikelihood()
- createMcmcSamplerList()
- createPosterior()
- createPrior()
- createPriorDensity()
- createProposalGenerator()
- createSmcSamplerList()
- createTruncatedNormalPrior()
- createUniformPrior()
- DE()
- DEzs()
- DIC()
- DR()
- DRAM()
- DREAMzs()
- factorMatrice()
- gelmanDiagnostics()
- generateCRvalues()
- generateParallelExecuter()
- generateTestDensityMultiNormal()
- getBlock()
- getBlockSettings()
- getCredibleIntervals()
- getDharmaResiduals()
- getPanels()
- getPossibleSamplerTypes()
- getPredictiveDistribution()
- getPredictiveIntervals()
- getRmvnorm()
- getSample()
- getSetup()
- getVolume()
- Gfun()
- GOF()
- likelihoodAR1()
- likelihoodIidNormal()
- logSumExp()
- M()
- makeObjectClassCodaMCMC()
- MAP()
- marginalLikelihood()
- marginalPlot()
- marginalPlotDensity()
- marginalPlotViolin()
- mcmcMultipleChains()
- mergeChains()
- Metropolis()
- metropolisRatio()
- package-deprecated()
- plotDiagnostic()
- plotSensitivity()
- plotTimeSeries()
- plotTimeSeriesResiduals()
- plotTimeSeriesResults()
- propFun()
- rescale()
- runMCMC()
- sampleEquallySpaced()
- sampleMetropolis()
- scaleMatrix()
- setupStartProposal()
- smcSampler()
- stopParallel()
- sumSquare()
- testDensityBanana()
- testDensityGelmanMeng()
- testDensityInfinity()
- testDensityMultiNormal()
- testDensityNormal()
- testLinearModel()
- thinMatrix()
- tracePlot()
- Twalk()
- TwalkMove()
- Twalksteps()
- updateGroups()
- updateProposalGenerator()
- VSEM()
- vsemC()
- VSEMcreateLikelihood()
- VSEMcreatePAR()
- VSEMgetDefaults()
- WAIC()
R Codes
- BayesianSetupGenerateParallel.R
- BayesianTools.R
- benchmark.R
- blockUpdate.R
- classBayesianOutput.R
- classBayesianSetup.R
- classLikelihood.R
- classMcmcSampler.R
- classMcmcSamplerList.R
- classPosterior.R
- classPrior.R
- classSmcSampler.R
- classSMCSamplerList.R
- codaFunctions.R
- convertCoda.R
- diagnosticsGelman.R
- getVolume.R
- importPackages.R
- marginalLikelihood.R
- mcmcConfidence.R
- mcmcDE.R
- mcmcDEzs.R
- mcmcDREAM.R
- mcmcDREAMzs.R
- mcmcDREAM_helperFunctions.R
- mcmcFrancesco.R
- mcmcMetropolis.R
- mcmcMultipleChains.R
- mcmcRun.R
- mcmcSamplerAutomatic.R
- mcmcTwalk.R
- mcmcTwalk_helperFunctions.R
- plotDiagnostic.R
- plotMarginals.R
- plotSensitivityOAT.R
- plotTimeSeries.R
- plotTrace.R
- proposalGenerator.R
- RcppExports.R
- testFunctions.R
- utils-Numerics.R
- utils.R
- utilsFrancesco.R
Selected R package: BayesianTools
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