R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- A()
- A.wrapper()
- AA.df.check()
- AA.df.cs()
- AAtable.builder()
- AlignmentFilter()
- AlignObj.Create()
- AlignObj.Update()
- Append.System()
- Build.Matrix()
- buildHAPnames()
- buildHAPsets()
- cci()
- cci.pval.list()
- cci.pval()
- Check.Cores()
- Check.Data()
- Check.Params.GLS()
- Check.Params()
- CheckAlleles()
- CheckHLA()
- CheckLoci()
- CheckRelease()
- CheckString.Allele()
- CheckString.Locus()
- Condense.EPL()
- Create.Null.Table()
- DRB345.Check.Wrapper()
- DRB345.Check.Zygosity()
- DRB345.Exp()
- DRB345.parser()
- Err.Log()
- EVSremoval()
- Exon.Filter()
- ExonPtnAlign.Create()
- ExonPtnList()
- Filler()
- Format.Allele()
- Format.Tab()
- getAllele.Count()
- getCS.Mat()
- getCS.stat()
- GetField()
- getFileName()
- GetFiles()
- getHap()
- getObsFreq()
- GL2Tab.Loci()
- GL2Tab.Sub()
- GL2Tab.wrapper()
- GLSconvert()
- H.MC()
- H.MC.wrapper()
- HLA_data()
- HWE.ChiSq()
- HWE()
- HWE.wrapper()
- L()
- L.wrapper()
- make2x2()
- makeComb()
- MergeData_Output()
- PgrpExtract()
- PgrpFormat()
- PreCheck()
- prepData()
- rmABstrings()
- RunChiSq()
- RunChiSq_c()
- Stripper()
- summaryGeno.2()
- Tab2GL.Loci()
- Tab2GL.Sub()
- Tab2GL.wrapper()
- TableMaker()
- UpdateRelease()
R Codes
Selected R package: BIGDAWG
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