R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- as.data.table.performance()
- auc()
- autoplot.sensitivity()
- boot2pvalue()
- BuyseMultComp()
- BuyseTest-package()
- BuyseTest()
- BuyseTest.options-class()
- BuyseTest.options-methods()
- BuyseTest.options()
- BuyseTTEM()
- calcIntegralSurv2_cpp()
- coef.BuyseTestAuc()
- coef.BuyseTestBrier()
- confint.BuyseTestAuc()
- confint.BuyseTestBrier()
- constStrata()
- discreteRoot()
- dot-calcIntegralCif_cpp()
- dot-calcIntegralSurv_cpp()
- dot-colCenter_cpp()
- dot-colMultiply_cpp()
- dot-colScale_cpp()
- dot-information.logit()
- dot-rowCenter_cpp()
- dot-rowCumProd_cpp()
- dot-rowCumSum_cpp()
- dot-rowMultiply_cpp()
- dot-rowScale_cpp()
- dot-score.logit()
- dot-vcov.logit()
- GPC_cpp()
- iid.BuyseTestAuc()
- iid.BuyseTestBrier()
- iid.prodlim()
- internal-initialization()
- internal-print()
- performance()
- performanceResample()
- pnormexp()
- pnormweibull()
- powerBuyseTest()
- predict.BuyseTTEM()
- predict.logit()
- qnormexp()
- qnormweibull()
- S4BuysePower-class()
- S4BuysePower-show()
- S4BuysePower-summary()
- S4BuyseTest-class()
- S4BuyseTest-coef()
- S4BuyseTest-confint()
- S4BuyseTest-getCount()
- S4BuyseTest-getIid()
- S4BuyseTest-getPairScore()
- S4BuyseTest-getPseudovalue()
- S4BuyseTest-getSurvival()
- S4BuyseTest-sensitivity()
- S4BuyseTest-show()
- S4BuyseTest-summary()
- simCompetingRisks()
- simulation()
- testArgs()
- validFCTs()
R Codes
- 0-onLoad.R
- 1-setGeneric.R
- as.data.table.performance.R
- auc.R
- autoplot.sensitivity.R
- brier.R
- BuyseMultComp.R
- BuyseTest-check.R
- BuyseTest-inference.R
- BuyseTest-initialization.R
- BuyseTest-package.R
- BuyseTest-Peron.R
- BuyseTest-print.R
- BuyseTest.options.R
- BuyseTest.R
- BuyseTTEM.R
- constStrata.R
- discreteRoot.R
- iid.prodlim.R
- normexp.R
- PairScore.R
- performance.R
- performanceResample.R
- powerBuyseTest.R
- predict.logit.R
- RcppExports.R
- S4-BuysePower-show.R
- S4-BuysePower-summary.R
- S4-BuysePower.R
- S4-BuyseTest-coef.R
- S4-BuyseTest-confint.R
- S4-BuyseTest-get.R
- S4-BuyseTest-sensitivity.R
- S4-BuyseTest-show.R
- S4-BuyseTest-summary.R
- S4-BuyseTest.options.R
- S4-BuyseTest.R
- simBuyseTest.R
- simCompetingRisks.R
- valid.R
Selected R package: BuyseTest
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