R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addBAMMlegend()
- addBAMMshifts()
- assignColorBreaks()
- BAMMlikelihood()
- BAMMtools-data()
- BAMMtools()
- cohorts()
- computeBayesFactors()
- credibleShiftSet()
- distinctShiftConfigurations()
- dtRates()
- generateControlFile()
- getBestShiftConfiguration()
- getBranchShiftPriors()
- getCladeRates()
- getCohortMatrix()
- getEventData()
- getJenksBreaks()
- getMarginalBranchRateMatrix()
- getMeanBranchLengthTree()
- getmrca()
- getRateThroughTimeMatrix()
- getShiftNodesFromIndex()
- getTipRates()
- marginalOddsRatioBranches()
- maximumShiftCredibility()
- plot.bammshifts()
- plot.credibleshiftset()
- plot()
- plotPrior()
- plotRateThroughTime()
- ratesHistogram()
- richColors()
- samplingProbs()
- setBAMMpriors()
- ShiftProbsTree()
- speciesByRatesMatrix()
- stepBF()
- subsetEventData()
- subtreeBAMM()
- summary.bammdata()
- summary.credibleshiftset()
- testTimeVariableBranches()
- traitDependentBAMM()
- transparentColor()
- writeEventData()
R Codes
- addBAMMlegend.R
- addBAMMshifts.R
- arc.R
- areEventConfigurationsIdentical.R
- areShiftSetsEqual.R
- as.bammdata.R
- as.phylo.bammdata.R
- assignColorBreaks.R
- bammcolors.R
- bammLikelihood.R
- BAMMtools-data.R
- BAMMtools-package.R
- barLegend.R
- branchMeanRateExponential.R
- cohorts.R
- colorMap.R
- computeBayesFactors.R
- credibleShiftSet.R
- cumulativeShiftProbsTree.R
- distinctShiftConfigurations.R
- dtRates.R
- exponentialRate.R
- fxnDeps.R
- generateControlFile.R
- getBestShiftConfiguration.R
- getBranchShiftPriors.R
- getCladeRates.R
- getCohortMatrix.R
- getDesc.R
- getEventData.R
- getJenksBreaks.R
- getMarginalBranchRateMatrix.R
- getMeanBranchLengthTree.R
- getmrca.R
- getPathToRoot.R
- getRateThroughTimeMatrix.R
- getRecursiveSequence.R
- getSequenceForwardTraversal.R
- getShiftNodesFromIndex.R
- getSpanningTaxonPair.R
- getStartStopTimes.R
- getTipRates.R
- inv.logit.R
- logit.R
- marginalOddsRatioBranches.R
- marginalShiftProbsTree.R
- maximumShiftCredibility.R
- mkdtsegsPhylo.R
- mkdtsegsPolar.R
- NU.branching.times.R
- phylogeneticMean.R
- plot.bammdata.R
- plot.bammshifts.R
- plot.credibleshiftset.R
- plotPrior.R
- plotRateThroughTime.R
- print.bammdata.R
- rateLegend.R
- ratesHistogram.R
- recursivelySetNodeStates.R
- samplingProbs.R
- segMap.R
- setBAMMpriors.R
- setPhyloTreeCoords.R
- setPolarTreeCoords.R
- speciesByRatesMatrix.R
- stepBF.R
- subsetEventData.R
- subtreeBAMM.R
- summary.bammdata.R
- summary.credibleshiftset.R
- testTimeVariableBranches.R
- timeIntegratedBranchRate.R
- traitDependentBAMM.R
- transparentColor.R
- writeEventData.R
Selected R package: BAMMtools
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