R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- bayesBisurvreg.help()
- bayesBisurvreg()
- bayesDensity()
- bayesGspline()
- bayesHistogram.help()
- bayesHistogram()
- bayessurvreg.help()
- bayessurvreg1.files2init()
- bayessurvreg1.help()
- bayessurvreg1()
- bayessurvreg2.help()
- bayessurvreg2()
- bayessurvreg3.help()
- bayessurvreg3()
- cgd()
- credible.region()
- densplot2()
- files.Gspline()
- files2coda()
- give.init()
- give.summary()
- marginal.bayesGspline()
- plot.bayesDensity()
- plot.bayesGspline()
- plot.marginal.bayesGspline()
- predictive()
- predictive2()
- print.bayesDensity()
- rMVNorm()
- rWishart()
- sampleCovMat()
- sampled.kendall.tau()
- scanFN()
- simult.pvalue()
- tandmob2()
- tandmobRoos()
- traceplot2()
- vecr2matr()
R Codes
- bayesBisurvreg.checkStore.R
- bayesBisurvreg.priorBeta.R
- bayesBisurvreg.priorInit.R
- bayesBisurvreg.R
- bayesBisurvreg.writeHeaders.R
- bayesDensity.R
- bayesGspline.R
- bayesHistogram.checkStore.R
- bayesHistogram.design.R
- bayesHistogram.priorInit.R
- bayesHistogram.R
- bayesHistogram.writeHeaders.R
- bayessurvreg.checknsimul.R
- bayessurvreg.design.R
- bayessurvreg1.checkStore.R
- bayessurvreg1.files2init.R
- bayessurvreg1.priorb.R
- bayessurvreg1.priorBeta.R
- bayessurvreg1.priorInit.R
- bayessurvreg1.R
- bayessurvreg1.revjump.R
- bayessurvreg1.writeHeaders.R
- bayessurvreg2.checkStore.R
- bayessurvreg2.priorb.R
- bayessurvreg2.priorBeta.R
- bayessurvreg2.priorInit.R
- bayessurvreg2.R
- bayessurvreg2.writeHeaders.R
- bayessurvreg3.checkrho.R
- bayessurvreg3.checkStore.R
- bayessurvreg3.priorb.R
- bayessurvreg3.priorBeta.R
- bayessurvreg3.priorInit.R
- bayessurvreg3.priorinitNb.R
- bayessurvreg3.R
- bayessurvreg3.writeHeaders.R
- bayessurvreg3Para.R
- credible.region.R
- densplot2.R
- files.Gspline.R
- files2coda.R
- give.init.Gspline.R
- give.init.r.R
- give.init.y.R
- give.summary.R
- marginal.bayesGspline.R
- predictive.control.R
- predictive.R
- predictive2.control.R
- predictive2.R
- predictive2Para.R
- rMVNorm.R
- rWishart.R
- sampleCovMat.R
- sampled.kendall.tau.R
- scanFN.R
- simult.pvalue.R
- traceplot2.R
- vecr2matr.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: bayesSurv
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