R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_column()
- BayesTools()
- BayesTools_ensemble_tables()
- BayesTools_model_tables()
- check_input()
- contr.independent()
- contr.meandif()
- contr.orthonormal()
- density.prior()
- ensemble_inference()
- format_BF()
- geom_prior()
- geom_prior_list()
- inclusion_BF()
- interpret()
- is.prior()
- JAGS_add_priors()
- JAGS_bridgesampling()
- JAGS_bridgesampling_posterior()
- JAGS_check_and_list()
- JAGS_check_convergence()
- JAGS_diagnostics()
- JAGS_evaluate_formula()
- JAGS_fit()
- JAGS_formula()
- JAGS_get_inits()
- JAGS_marglik_parameters()
- JAGS_marglik_priors()
- JAGS_to_monitor()
- kitchen_rolls()
- lines.prior()
- lines_prior_list()
- marginal_inference()
- marginal_posterior()
- mean.prior()
- mix_posteriors()
- mpoint()
- parameter_names()
- plot.prior()
- plot_marginal()
- plot_models()
- plot_posterior()
- plot_prior_list()
- point()
- print.BayesTools_table()
- print.prior()
- prior()
- prior_factor()
- prior_functions()
- prior_functions_methods()
- prior_informed()
- prior_informed_medicine_names()
- prior_PP()
- prior_spike_and_slab()
- prior_weightfunction()
- range.prior()
- remove_column()
- Savage_Dickey_BF()
- sd()
- sd.prior()
- transform_factor_samples()
- transform_meandif_samples()
- transform_orthonormal_samples()
- var()
- var.prior()
- weightfunctions()
- weightfunctions_mapping()
R Codes
- BayesTools-package.R
- data.R
- distributions-mpoint.R
- distributions-point.R
- distributions-tools.R
- distributions-weightfunctions.R
- interpret.R
- JAGS-diagnostics.R
- JAGS-fit.R
- JAGS-formula.R
- JAGS-marglik.R
- marginal-distributions.R
- model-averaging-plots.R
- model-averaging.R
- priors-density.R
- priors-informed.R
- priors-plot.R
- priors-print.R
- priors-tools.R
- priors.R
- summary-tables.R
- tools.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: BayesTools
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