R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- analysisOrganizeData()
- appendDateFeatures()
- baseDay()
- baseDay2decimal()
- baytrends()
- closeOut()
- createResiduals()
- dataCensored()
- dectime()
- dectime2Date()
- detrended.flow()
- detrended.salinity()
- dot-appendDateFeatures()
- dot-checkRange()
- dot-chkParameter()
- dot-ExpLNiCens()
- dot-ExpLNlCens()
- dot-ExpLNmCens()
- dot-ExpLNrCens()
- dot-ExpNiCens()
- dot-ExpNlCens()
- dot-ExpNmCens()
- dot-ExpNrCens()
- dot-F()
- dot-findFile()
- dot-fmtPval()
- dot-gamANOVA()
- dot-gamCoeff()
- dot-gamDiffPORtbl()
- dot-gamPlotCalc()
- dot-H()
- dot-H1()
- dot-H2()
- dot-H3()
- dot-H4()
- dot-H5()
- dot-initializeResults()
- dot-mergeFlow()
- dot-mergeSalinity()
- dot-P()
- dot-reAttDF()
- dot-T()
- dot-V()
- dot-vTable()
- eventProcessing()
- fillMissing()
- filterWgts()
- flwAveragePred()
- gamDiff()
- gamPlotDisp()
- gamPlotDispSeason()
- gamTest()
- gamTestSeason()
- getUSGSflow()
- impute()
- imputeDF()
- layerAggregation()
- layerLukup()
- loadData()
- loadExcel()
- loadModels()
- loadModelsResid()
- makeSurvDF()
- na2miss()
- nobs()
- parameterList()
- sal()
- saveDF()
- seasAdjflow()
- selectData()
- stationMasterList()
- unSurv()
- unSurvDF()
- usgsGages()
R Codes
- analysisOrganizeData.R
- appendDateFeatures.R
- baytrends.R
- checkRange.R
- chkParameter.R
- closeOut.R
- createResiduals.R
- data.R
- detrended.flow.R
- detrended.salinity.R
- findFile.R
- flwAveragePred.R
- fmtPval.R
- gamDiff.R
- gamPlotDisp.R
- gamPlotDispSeason.R
- gamTables.R
- gdata_nobs.R
- getUSGSflow.R
- headers2.R
- imputeCensored.R
- layerAggregation.R
- loadData.R
- loadExcel.R
- loadModels.R
- loadModelsResid.R
- makeSurvDF.R
- mergeFlow.R
- mergeSalinity.R
- reAttDF.R
- saveDF.R
- seasAdjflow2.R
- selectData.R
- smwrBase_baseDay.R
- smwrBase_baseDay2decimal.R
- smwrBase_dectime.R
- smwrBase_dectime2Date.R
- smwrBase_eventProcessing.R
- smwrBase_fillMissing.R
- smwrBase_na2miss.R
- supportFunctions.R
- unSurv.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: baytrends
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