R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- addFitSummary()
- addLabelData()
- adjustedPlot()
- adjustedPlot.survreg()
- adjustedPlot2()
- adjustedPlot2.survreg()
- anderson()
- anderson1()
- anderson2()
- as_printable()
- autoReg()
- autoRegCox()
- autoRegsurvreg()
- autoReg_sub()
- beNumeric()
- bootPredict()
- countGroups()
- coxzphplot()
- crr2stats()
- crrFormula()
- descNum()
- df2flextable()
- drawline()
- expectedPlot()
- filldown()
- find1stDup()
- findDup()
- fit2final()
- fit2lik()
- fit2list()
- fit2model()
- fit2multi()
- fit2newdata()
- fit2stats()
- fit2summary()
- gaze.formula_sub()
- gaze()
- gazeCat()
- gazeCont()
- gaze_sub()
- getInteraction()
- getN()
- getSigVars()
- ggcmprsk()
- ggcmprsk2()
- highlight2()
- imputedReg()
- is.mynumeric()
- label_parse()
- loglogplot()
- maxnchar()
- modelPlot()
- modelsSummary()
- modelsSummaryTable()
- my.chisq.test2()
- my.t.test2()
- mycphSimple()
- myformat()
- myft()
- mysurvregSimple()
- num2factor()
- num2stat()
- OEplot()
- p2character2()
- print.autoReg()
- print.gaze()
- print.modelPlot()
- printdf()
- reexports()
- removeDup()
- residualNull()
- residualPlot()
- restoreData()
- restoreData2()
- restoreData3()
- revOperator()
- roundDf()
- setLabel()
- shorten()
- showEffect()
- strata2df()
- survfit2df()
- survreg2final()
- survreg2multi()
R Codes
- addFitSummary.R
- addLabelData.R
- adjustedPlot.R
- adjustedPlot.survreg.R
- adjustedPlot2.survreg.R
- anderson.R
- as_printable.R
- autoReg.coxph.R
- autoReg.R
- autoReg.survreg.R
- bootPredict.R
- countGroups.R
- coxzphplot.R
- crrFormula.R
- df2flextable.R
- expectedPlot.R
- fill.R
- fit2final.R
- fit2list.R
- fit2model.R
- fit2multi.R
- fit2newdata.R
- fit2summary.R
- gaze.coxph.R
- gaze.R
- gaze_sub.R
- getInteraction.R
- getSigVars.R
- ggcmprsk.R
- ggcmprsk2.R
- highlight2.R
- imputedReg.R
- loglogplot.R
- modelPlot.R
- modelsSummary.R
- mycphSimple.R
- myft.R
- mysurvregSimple.R
- OEplot.R
- p2character2.R
- print.gaze.R
- printdf.R
- reexport.R
- residualNull.R
- residualPlot.R
- setLabel.R
- showEffect.R
- strata2df.R
- survfit2df.R
Selected R package: autoReg
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