R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- accessors()
- adegenet.package()
- AIC.snapclust()
- AICc()
- as-methods()
- as.genlight()
- as.SNPbin()
- ascore()
- auxil()
- BIC.snapclust()
- chooseCN()
- colorplot()
- compoplot()
- coords.monmonier()
- dapc()
- dapcGraphics()
- dapcIllus()
- df2genind()
- dist.genpop()
- doc_C_routines()
- eHGDP()
- export_to_mvmapper()
- fasta2DNAbin()
- fasta2genlight()
- find.clusters()
- gengraph()
- genind()
- genind2df()
- genind2genpop()
- genlight()
- genpop()
- glAux()
- glPca()
- glPlot()
- glSim()
- H3N2()
- haploGen()
- hierarchy-methods()
- Hs()
- Hs.test()
- HWE()
- hybridize()
- hybridtoy()
- import2genind()
- inbreeding()
- isPoly()
- KIC()
- loadingplot()
- makefreq()
- microbov()
- minorAllele()
- monmonier()
- mutations()
- nancycats()
- new.genind()
- new.genpop()
- old2new()
- pairDist()
- population-methods()
- propShared()
- propTyped()
- read.fstat()
- read.genepop()
- read.genetix()
- read.PLINK()
- read.snp()
- read.structure()
- repool()
- rupica()
- scaleGen()
- selpopsize()
- seploc()
- seppop()
- seqTrack()
- sequences()
- servers()
- showmekittens()
- sim2pop()
- snapclust.choose.k()
- snapclust()
- SNPbin()
- snpposi()
- spca()
- spca.rtests()
- spcaIllus()
- spca_randtest()
- strata-methods()
- swallowtails()
- tab()
- truenames()
- virClasses()
- web()
- xvalDapc()
R Codes
- accessors.R
- adegenet.package.R
- AIC.snapclust.R
- AICc.snapclust.R
- auxil.R
- basicMethods.R
- BIC.snapclust.R
- chooseCN.R
- classes.R
- colorplot.R
- compoplot.R
- constructors.R
- coords.monmonier.R
- dapc.R
- datasets.R
- dist.genlight.R
- dist.genpop.R
- doc_C_routines.R
- export.R
- export_to_mvmapper.R
- find.clust.R
- fstat.R
- gengraph.R
- genind2genpop.R
- glFunctions.R
- glHandle.R
- global_local_tests.R
- glPlot.R
- glSim.R
- gstat.randtest.R
- handling.R
- haploGen.R
- haploPop.R
- hierarchyMethods.R
- Hs.R
- hybridize.R
- import.R
- inbreeding.R
- KIC.snapclust.R
- loadingplot.R
- makefreq.R
- minorAllele.R
- monmonier.R
- mutations.R
- old2new.R
- orthobasis.R
- pairDist.R
- PCtest.R
- propShared.R
- propTyped.R
- scale.R
- seqTrack.R
- sequences.R
- servers.R
- setAs.R
- showmekittens.R
- simOutbreak.R
- snapclust.choose.k.R
- snapclust.R
- SNPbin.R
- snpposi.R
- snpzip.R
- spca.R
- spca_randtest.R
- strataMethods.R
- xvalDapc.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: adegenet
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