R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- aastveit.barley()
- acorsi.grayleafspot()
- adugna.sorghum()
- agridat()
- allcroft.lodging()
- alwan.lamb()
- ansari.wheat.uniformity()
- arankacami.groundnut.uniformity()
- archbold.apple()
- ars.earlywhitecorn96()
- australia.soybean()
- bachmaier.nitrogen()
- bailey.cotton.uniformity()
- baker.barley.uniformity()
- baker.strawberry.uniformity()
- baker.wheat.uniformity()
- bancroft.peanut.uniformity()
- barrero.maize()
- batchelor.uniformity()
- battese.survey()
- beall.webworms()
- beaven.barley()
- becker.chicken()
- belamkar.augmented()
- besag.bayesian()
- besag.beans()
- besag.checks()
- besag.elbatan()
- besag.endive()
- besag.met()
- besag.triticale()
- blackman.wheat()
- bliss.borers()
- bond.diallel()
- bose.multi.uniformity()
- box.cork()
- bradley.multi.uniformity()
- brandle.rape()
- brandt.switchback()
- bridges.cucumber()
- broadbalk.wheat()
- bryan.corn.uniformity()
- buntaran.wheat()
- burgueno.alpha()
- burgueno.rowcol()
- burgueno.unreplicated()
- butron.maize()
- byers.apple()
- caribbean.maize()
- carlson.germination()
- carmer.density()
- cate.potassium()
- chakravertti.factorial()
- chinloy.fractionalfactorial()
- christidis.competition()
- christidis.cotton.uniformity()
- christidis.wheat.uniformity()
- cleveland.soil()
- cochran.beets()
- cochran.bib()
- cochran.crd()
- cochran.eelworms()
- cochran.factorial()
- cochran.latin()
- cochran.lattice()
- cochran.wireworms()
- connolly.potato()
- coombs.rice.uniformity()
- cornelius.maize()
- corsten.interaction()
- cox.stripsplit()
- cramer.cucumber()
- crampton.pig()
- crossa.wheat()
- crowder.seeds()
- cullis.earlygen()
- damesa.maize()
- darwin.maize()
- dasilva.maize()
- dasilva.soybean.uniformity()
- davidian.soybean()
- davies.pasture.uniformity()
- day.wheat.uniformity()
- denis.missing()
- denis.ryegrass()
- depalluel.sheep()
- devries.pine()
- digby.jointregression()
- diggle.cow()
- draper.safflower.uniformity()
- ducker.groundnut.uniformity()
- durban.competition()
- durban.rowcol()
- durban.splitplot()
- eden.nonnormal()
- eden.potato()
- eden.tea.uniformity()
- edwards.oats()
- engelstad.nitro()
- evans.sugarcane.uniformity()
- fan.stability()
- federer.diagcheck()
- federer.tobacco()
- fisher.barley()
- fisher.latin()
- forster.wheat.uniformity()
- foulley.calving()
- fox.wheat()
- garber.multi.uniformity()
- gartner.corn()
- gathmann.bt()
- gauch.soy()
- george.wheat()
- giles.wheat()
- gilmour.serpentine()
- gilmour.slatehall()
- gomez.fractionalfactorial()
- gomez.groupsplit()
- gomez.heterogeneity()
- gomez.heteroskedastic()
- gomez.multilocsplitplot()
- gomez.nitrogen()
- gomez.nonnormal1()
- gomez.nonnormal2()
- gomez.nonnormal3()
- gomez.rice.uniformity()
- gomez.seedrate()
- gomez.splitplot.subsample()
- gomez.splitsplit()
- gomez.stripplot()
- gomez.stripsplitplot()
- gomez.wetdry()
- gotway.hessianfly()
- goulden.barley.uniformity()
- goulden.eggs()
- goulden.latin()
- goulden.splitsplit()
- graybill.heteroskedastic()
- gregory.cotton()
- grover.diallel()
- grover.rcb.subsample()
- gumpertz.pepper()
- hadasch.lettuce()
- hanks.sprinkler()
- hanover.whitepine()
- hansen.multi.uniformity()
- harris.multi.uniformity()
- harris.wateruse()
- harrison.priors()
- hartman.tomato.uniformity()
- harvey.lsmeans()
- harville.lamb()
- hayman.tobacco()
- hazell.vegetables()
- heady.fertilizer()
- heath.cabbage.uniformity()
- heath.raddish.uniformity()
- henderson.milkfat()
- hernandez.nitrogen()
- hessling.argentina()
- hildebrand.systems()
- holland.arthropods()
- holshouser.splitstrip()
- holtsmark.timothy.uniformity()
- huehn.wheat()
- hughes.grapes()
- hunter.corn()
- hutchinson.cotton.uniformity()
- igue.sugarcane.uniformity()
- ilri.sheep()
- immer.sugarbeet.uniformity()
- ivins.herbs()
- iyer.wheat.uniformity()
- jansen.apple()
- jansen.carrot()
- jansen.strawberry()
- jayaraman.bamboo()
- jenkyn.mildew()
- john.alpha()
- johnson.blight()
- johnson.douglasfir()
- jones.corn.uniformity()
- kadam.millet.uniformity()
- kalamkar.potato.uniformity()
- kalamkar.wheat.uniformity()
- kang.maize()
- kang.peanut()
- karcher.turfgrass()
- kayad.alfalfa()
- keen.potatodamage()
- kempton.barley.uniformity()
- kempton.competition()
- kempton.rowcol()
- kempton.slatehall()
- kenward.cattle()
- kerr.sugarcane.uniformity()
- khan.brassica.uniformity()
- khin.rice.uniformity()
- kiesselbach.oats.uniformity()
- kirk.potato()
- kling.augmented()
- kreusler.maize()
- kristensen.barley.uniformity()
- kulkarni.sorghum.uniformity()
- lambert.soiltemp()
- lander.multi.uniformity()
- lasrosas.corn()
- lavoranti.eucalyptus()
- laycock.tea.uniformity()
- lee.potatoblight()
- lehmann.millet.uniformity()
- lehner.soybeanmold()
- lessman.sorghum.uniformity()
- li.millet.uniformity()
- libs()
- lillemo.wheat()
- lin.superiority()
- lin.unbalanced()
- linder.wheat()
- little.splitblock()
- loesell.bean.uniformity()
- lonnquist.maize()
- lord.rice.uniformity()
- love.cotton.uniformity()
- lu.stability()
- lucas.switchback()
- lyon.potato.uniformity()
- lyons.wheat()
- magistad.pineapple.uniformity()
- masood.rice.uniformity()
- mcclelland.corn.uniformity()
- mcconway.turnip()
- mckinstry.cotton.uniformity()
- mcleod.barley()
- mead.cauliflower()
- mead.cowpea.maize()
- mead.germination()
- mead.lamb()
- mead.strawberry()
- mead.turnip()
- mercer.mangold.uniformity()
- mercer.wheat.uniformity()
- miguez.biomass()
- minnesota.barley.weather()
- minnesota.barley.yield()
- montgomery.wheat.uniformity()
- moore.uniformity()
- nagai.strawberry.uniformity()
- nair.turmeric.uniformity()
- narain.sorghum.uniformity()
- nass.corn()
- nebraska.farmincome()
- nonnecke.peas.uniformity()
- nonnecke.sweetcorn.uniformity()
- obsi.potato.uniformity()
- odland.soybean.uniformity()
- omer.sorghum()
- onofri.winterwheat()
- ortiz.tomato()
- pacheco.soybean()
- paez.coffee.uniformity()
- panse.cotton.uniformity()
- parker.orange.uniformity()
- patterson.switchback()
- payne.wheat()
- pearce.apple()
- pearl.kernels()
- pederson.lettuce.repeated()
- perry.springwheat()
- petersen.sorghum.cowpea()
- piepho.barley.uniformity()
- piepho.cocksfoot()
- polson.safflower.uniformity()
- ratkowsky.onions()
- reid.grasses()
- riddle.wheat()
- ridout.appleshoots()
- robinson.peanut.uniformity()
- rothamsted.brussels()
- rothamsted.oats()
- ryder.groundnut()
- salmon.bunt()
- saunders.maize.uniformity()
- sawyer.multi.uniformity()
- sayer.sugarcane.uniformity()
- senshu.rice()
- shafi.tomato.uniformity()
- shafii.rapeseed()
- sharma.met()
- shaw.oats()
- silva.cotton()
- sinclair.clover()
- smith.beans.uniformity()
- smith.corn.uniformity()
- smith.wheat.uniformity()
- snedecor.asparagus()
- snijders.fusarium()
- stephens.sorghum.uniformity()
- steptoe.morex.pheno()
- stickler.sorghum.uniformity()
- stirret.borers()
- streibig.competition()
- strickland.apple.uniformity()
- strickland.grape.uniformity()
- strickland.peach.uniformity()
- strickland.tomato.uniformity()
- stroup.nin()
- stroup.splitplot()
- student.barley()
- summerby.multi.uniformity()
- tai.potato()
- talbot.potato()
- tesfaye.millet()
- theobald.barley()
- theobald.covariate()
- thompson.cornsoy()
- turner.herbicide()
- urquhart.feedlot()
- usgs.herbicides()
- vaneeuwijk.drymatter()
- vaneeuwijk.fusarium()
- vaneeuwijk.nematodes()
- vargas.txe()
- vargas.wheat1()
- vargas.wheat2()
- verbyla.lupin()
- vishnaadevi.rice.uniformity()
- vold.longterm()
- vsn.lupin3()
- wallace.iowaland()
- walsh.cottonprice()
- wassom.brome.uniformity()
- waynick.soil()
- wedderburn.barley()
- weiss.incblock()
- weiss.lattice()
- welch.bermudagrass()
- wheatley.carrot()
- wiebe.wheat.uniformity()
- wiedemann.safflower.uniformity()
- williams.barley.uniformity()
- williams.cotton.uniformity()
- williams.trees()
- woodman.pig()
- wyatt.multi.uniformity()
- yan.winterwheat()
- yang.barley()
- yates.missing()
- yates.oats()
- zuidhof.broiler()
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Selected R package: agridat
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