R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- actel-deprecated()
- actel()
- additional.residency.results()
- advEfficiency()
- appendTo()
- assembleArrayCJS()
- assembleGroupCJS()
- assembleMatrices()
- assembleOutput()
- assembleResidency()
- assembleSectionOverview()
- assembleSplitCJS()
- assembleTimetable()
- assembleValidMoves()
- assembleValidSecMoves()
- blameArrays()
- blankWorkspace()
- breakMatricesByArray()
- checkArguments()
- checkDeploymentStations()
- checkDeploymentTimes()
- checkDetectionsBeforeRelease()
- checkDupDetections()
- checkDupSignals()
- checkFirstDetBackFromRelease()
- checkGUI()
- checkImpassables()
- checkInactiveness()
- checkIssue79()
- checkJumpDistance()
- checkLinearity()
- checkMinimumN()
- checkNoDetections()
- checkReport()
- checkSMovesN()
- checkSpeeds()
- checkTagsInUnknownReceivers()
- checkToken()
- checkUnknownReceivers()
- checkUpstream()
- check_args()
- circularSection()
- cjs_args()
- collectStrays()
- combine()
- combineCJS()
- compileDetections()
- completeMatrix()
- convertCodes()
- convertTimes()
- copyOfCirclePlotRad()
- copyOfRosediagRad()
- countArrayFailures()
- countBackMoves()
- createEventRanges()
- createNewEvents()
- createStandards()
- createUniqueSerials()
- createWorkspace()
- darken()
- dataToList()
- decimalTime()
- deleteHelpers()
- detectionsSingleWidget()
- detectionsTabbedWidget()
- discardFirst()
- distancesMatrix()
- dotList()
- dotMatrix()
- dotPaths()
- dualArrayCJS()
- dualMatrix()
- efficiencyMatrix()
- emergencyBreak()
- emptyMatrix()
- eventsSingleWidget()
- eventsTabbedWidget()
- example.biometrics()
- example.deployments()
- example.detections()
- example.distances()
- example.results()
- example.spatial()
- exampleWorkspace()
- excludeTags()
- expandEvent()
- explore()
- extractCodeSpaces()
- extractSignals()
- fact()
- findDirectChains()
- findPeers()
- findSecondsPerSection()
- findShortestChains()
- firstArrayFailure()
- getDualMatrices()
- getResidency()
- getSpeeds()
- getTimes()
- gg_colour_hue()
- globalRatios()
- graphicalInvalidate()
- graphicalInvalidateDetections()
- groupMovements()
- includeIntraArrayEstimates()
- includeMissing()
- includeUnknownReceiver()
- invalidateDetections()
- invalidateEvents()
- liveArrayTimes()
- loadBio()
- loadDeployments()
- loadDetections()
- loadDistances()
- loadDot()
- loadShape()
- loadSpatial()
- loadStudyData()
- lowestSignal()
- match.POSIXt()
- matchl()
- mbGroupCJS()
- mbSplitCJS()
- migration()
- minuteTime()
- movementSpeeds()
- movementTimes()
- move_args()
- myRoseDiag()
- na.as.false()
- nearsq()
- oneWayMoves()
- overrideValidityChecks()
- plotArray()
- plotDetections()
- plotLive()
- plotMoves()
- plotRatios()
- plotResidency()
- plotSensors()
- plotTimes()
- preload()
- preloadDetections()
- printArrayOverview()
- printBiometrics()
- printCircular()
- printDot()
- printDotplots()
- printEfficiency()
- printExploreRmd()
- printGlobalRatios()
- printIndividualResidency()
- printIndividuals()
- printLastArray()
- printLastSection()
- printMigrationRmd()
- printProgression()
- printResidencyRmd()
- printSectionTimes()
- printSensorData()
- printSurvivalGraphic()
- processStandardFile()
- processThelmaNewFile()
- processThelmaOldFile()
- processVemcoFile()
- readDot()
- recoverLog()
- residency()
- resPositions()
- resRatios()
- resRatiosIndOut()
- res_assembleOutput()
- res_efficiency()
- ringsRel()
- roseMean()
- roundDown()
- roundUp()
- sectionMovements()
- setSpatialStandards()
- shapeToRaster()
- simpleCJS()
- simplifyMovements()
- speedReleaseToFirst()
- splitDetections()
- splitN()
- splitSignals()
- stationName()
- std.error.circular()
- stopAndReport()
- storeStrays()
- substrRight()
- tableInteraction()
- timesToCircular()
- transferValidity()
- transformSpatial()
- transitionLayer()
- updateValidity()
- userInput()
- user_interaction_args()
- validateDetections()
- vectorsIntoTables()
- widget_args()
R Codes
Selected R package: actel
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