R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- alfalfa.split.plot()
- alpha.div()
- anm.coin()
- anm.samp.design()
- asthma()
- baby.walk()
- bear()
- best.agreement()
- bv.boxplot()
- caribou()
- case0902()
- case1202()
- chi.plot()
- ci.impt()
- ci.mu()
- ci.prat.ak()
- cliff.env()
- concrete()
- corn()
- cuckoo()
- D.sq()
- e.cancer()
- exercise.repeated()
- facebook()
- G.mean()
- H.mean()
- HL.mean()
- huber.NR()
- K()
- km()
- life.exp()
- MC.test()
- modlevene.test()
- moose.sel()
- MS.test()
- one.sample.z()
- pairw.anova()
- pairw.oneway()
- panel.cor.res()
- PM2.5()
- portneuf()
- potash()
- power.z.test()
- Preston.dist()
- pseudo.v()
- qq.Plot()
- Rabino_CO2()
- rat()
- rmvm()
- savage()
- sedum.ts()
- see.ttest.tck()
- SexDeterm()
- shade.norm()
- shade.norm.tck()
- simberloff()
- SM.temp.moist()
- snore()
- stan.error()
- starkey()
- suess()
- trim.me()
- win()
- wine()
- world.co2()
- world.emissions()
- world.pop()
R Codes
- anm.samp.design.R
- AP.test.R
- BDM.test.R
- best_agreement.R
- boot.ci.M.R
- bv.boxplot.R
- chi.plot.R
- ci.impt.R
- ci.median.R
- ci.mu.oneside.R
- ci.mu.R
- ci.prat.ak.R
- ci.strat.R
- ConDis.matrix.R
- D.sq.R
- DH.test.R
- ES.May.R
- G.mean.R
- H.mean.R
- HL.mean.R
- huber.mu.R
- huber.NR.R
- huber.one.step.R
- joint.ci.bonf.R
- Kappa.R
- km.R
- Kullback.R
- MC.test.R
- modlevene.test.R
- MS.test.R
- one.sample.t.R
- one.sample.z.R
- pairs.panel.functions.R
- pairw.anova.R
- pairw.fried.R
- pairw.kw.R
- pairw_oneway.R
- partial.R2.R
- perm.fact.test.R
- plotCI.reg.R
- power.z.test.R
- press.R
- Preston.R
- print.ci.R
- pseudo.v.R
- qq.Plot.R
- r.bw.R
- see_discunifcdf.R
- selftest.ANOVAmixed.R
- selftest.ANOVAreview.R
- selftest.ANOVAsiminf.R
- selftest.corr.R
- selftest.H0.R
- selftest.regapproaches.R
- selftest.regdiag.R
- selftest.regGLM.R
- selftest.stats.tck.R
- selftest.typeIISS.R
- selftestANOVAdesign.R
- selftest_Bayes4.R
- selftest_Bayes5.R
- selftest_jack.R
- selftest_MLOLS.R
- selftest_nonparametric.R
- selftest_reg_char.R
- selftest_science_tck1.R
- selftest_se_tck1.R
- selftest_ttest_R.R
- selftest_ttest_tck.R
- shade.R
- stan.error.R
- trim.me.R
- trim.ranef.test.R
- trim.test.R
- Venn.R
- win.R
Selected R package: asbio
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