R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- AgeDepth()
- allen_analyze()
- allen_basic_relation_set()
- allen_basic_relation_strings()
- allen_composition()
- allen_concurrent_relations()
- allen_create_concurrent_vector()
- allen_create_distinct_endpoint_vector()
- allen_create_result_vector()
- allen_ensure_set_vector()
- allen_illustrate()
- allen_is_result_vector()
- allen_is_set_string()
- allen_is_set_vector()
- allen_joint_concurrency()
- allen_lattice_x()
- allen_lattice_y()
- allen_observe()
- allen_observe_frequency()
- allen_plot()
- allen_proportion_result()
- allen_relate_intervals()
- allen_relation()
- allen_set_to_vector()
- allen_six_value_set()
- allen_string_to_set()
- allen_string_to_vector()
- allen_union()
- allen_update_result()
- analyze_allen_relations()
- app_ArchaeoPhases()
- ArchaeoPhases()
- coda.mcmc()
- composition_lookup_table()
- CreateMinMaxGroup()
- CredibleInterval()
- credible_interval()
- DatesHiatus()
- dates_hiatus()
- estimate_range()
- Events()
- illustrate_allen_relations()
- ImportCSV.BCal()
- ImportCSV()
- is.url()
- MarginalPlot()
- MarginalProba()
- MarginalStatistics()
- marginal_plot()
- marginal_statistics()
- MultiCredibleInterval()
- MultiDatesPlot()
- MultiHPD()
- MultiMarginalPlot()
- MultiPhasePlot()
- MultiPhasesGap()
- MultiPhasesTransition()
- MultiPhaseTimeRange()
- MultiSuccessionPlot()
- multi_credible_interval()
- multi_dates_plot()
- multi_hpd()
- multi_marginal_plot()
- multi_marginal_statistics()
- new_archaeophases_mcmc()
- new_archaeophases_plot()
- OccurrencePlot()
- occurrence_plot()
- original_file.archaeophases_mcmc()
- original_file.archaeophases_plot()
- original_file()
- oxc()
- PhaseDurationPlot()
- PhasePlot()
- Phases()
- PhasesGap()
- PhaseStatistics()
- PhasesTransition()
- phases_gap()
- PhaseTimeRange()
- phase_statistics()
- plot.archaeophases_plot()
- read_bcal()
- read_chronomodel()
- read_oxcal()
- reproduce.archaeophases_mcmc()
- reproduce.archaeophases_plot()
- reproduce()
- SuccessionPlot()
- TempoActivityPlot()
- TempoPlot()
- tempo_activity_plot()
- tempo_plot()
- undated_sample()
- valid_url()
R Codes
- AgeDepth.R
- AllenAnalyze.R
- AllenConcur.R
- AllenDataFrame.R
- AllenExpect.R
- AllenIllustrate.R
- AllenObserve.R
- AllenPlot.R
- app_ArchaeoPhases.R
- ArchaeoPhases.R
- coda.mcmc.R
- CreateMinMaxGroup.R
- CredibleInterval.R
- data.R
- DatesHiatus.R
- globals.R
- ImportCSV.BCal.R
- ImportCSV.R
- MarginalPlot.R
- MarginalProba.R
- MarginalStatistics.R
- MultiCredibleInterval.R
- MultiDatesPlot.R
- MultiHPD.R
- MultiMarginalPlot.R
- MultiPhasePlot.R
- MultiPhasesGap.R
- MultiPhasesTransition.R
- MultiPhaseTimeRange.R
- MultiSuccessionPlot.R
- OccurrencePlot.R
- PhaseDurationPlot.R
- PhasePlot.R
- PhasesGap.R
- PhaseStatistics.R
- PhasesTransition.R
- PhaseTimeRange.R
- S3Classes.R
- Sensitivity.R
- SuccessionPlot.R
- TempoActivityPlot.R
- TempoPlot.R
- undated_sample.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: ArchaeoPhases
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