R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- atom4R()
- atom4RLogger()
- AtomAbstractObject()
- AtomAuthor()
- AtomCategory()
- AtomContributor()
- AtomEntry()
- AtomFeed()
- AtomLink()
- AtomNamespace()
- AtomPerson()
- AtomPubClient()
- DCAbstract()
- DCAccessRights()
- DCAccrualMethod()
- DCAccrualPeriodicity()
- DCAccrualPolicy()
- DCAlternative()
- DCAudience()
- DCAvailable()
- DCBibliographicCitation()
- DCConformsTo()
- DCContributor()
- DCCoverage()
- DCCreated()
- DCCreator()
- DCDate()
- DCDateAccepted()
- DCDateCopyrighted()
- DCDateSubmitted()
- DCDescription()
- DCEducationalLevel()
- DCElement()
- DCEntry()
- DCExtent()
- DCFormat()
- DCHasPart()
- DCHasVersion()
- DCIdentifier()
- DCInstructionalMethod()
- DCIsPartOf()
- DCIsReferencedBy()
- DCIsReplacedBy()
- DCIsRequiredBy()
- DCIssued()
- DCIsVersionOf()
- DCLanguage()
- DCLicense()
- DCMediator()
- DCMedium()
- DCMIVocabulary()
- DCModified()
- DCProvenance()
- DCPublisher()
- DCReferences()
- DCRelation()
- DCReplaces()
- DCRequires()
- DCRights()
- DCRightsHolder()
- DCSource()
- DCSpatial()
- DCSubject()
- DCTableOfContents()
- DCTemporal()
- DCTitle()
- DCType()
- DCValid()
- getAtomClasses()
- getAtomNamespace()
- getAtomNamespaces()
- getAtomSchemas()
- getClassesInheriting()
- getDCMIVocabularies()
- getDCMIVocabulary()
- readDCEntry()
- registerAtomNamespace()
- registerAtomSchema()
- setAtomNamespaces()
- setAtomSchemas()
- setDCMIVocabularies()
- SwordClient()
- SwordDataverseClient()
- SwordHalClient()
- SwordServiceDocument()
R Codes
Selected R package: atom4R
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