R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- adaptr-package()
- assert_pkgs()
- calculate_idp()
- calibrate_trial()
- cat0()
- check_performance()
- check_remaining_arms()
- cov_mat()
- dispatch_trial_runs()
- equivalent_funs()
- extract_history()
- extract_results()
- extract_results_batch()
- extract_statuses()
- find_beta_params()
- fmt_dig()
- fmt_pct()
- get_draws_binom()
- get_draws_generic()
- get_draws_norm()
- get_ys_binom()
- get_ys_norm()
- gp_opt()
- make_x_scale()
- make_y_scale()
- plot_convergence()
- plot_history()
- plot_metrics_ecdf()
- plot_status()
- pow_abs_dist()
- print()
- prob_all_equi()
- prob_best()
- prob_better()
- prog_breaks()
- reallocate_probs()
- replace_nonfinite()
- replace_null()
- rescale()
- run_trial()
- run_trials()
- setup_cluster()
- setup_trial()
- setup_trial_binom()
- setup_trial_norm()
- stop0_warning0()
- summarise_dist()
- summarise_num()
- summary()
- update_saved_trials()
- validate_trial()
- vapply_helpers()
- verify_int()
- which_nearest()
R Codes
- adaptr-package.R
- calibrate_trial.R
- check_performance.R
- check_remaining_arms.R
- extract_results.R
- find_beta_params.R
- get_ys_and_draws.R
- gp_opt.R
- plot_convergence.R
- plot_history.R
- plot_metrics_ecdf.R
- plot_status.R
- print.R
- prob_funs.R
- run_trial.R
- run_trials.R
- setup_cluster.R
- setup_trial.R
- summary.R
- test_helpers.R
- update_saved_trials.R
- utils.R
- utils_plots.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: adaptr
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