R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- AIDS-Functions()
- Antitrust-Class()
- antitrust-deprecated()
- antitrust_shiny-deprecated()
- Auction-Classes()
- Auction2ndCap-Functions()
- Auction2ndLogit-Functions()
- AuctionCap-Methods()
- Bargaining-Classes()
- BargainingLogit-Functions()
- Bertrand-Functions()
- BertrandOther-Classes()
- BertrandRUM-Classes()
- CES-Functions()
- CMCR-Methods()
- CMCRBertrand-Functions()
- CMCRCournot-Functions()
- Cost-Methods()
- Cournot-classes()
- Cournot-Functions()
- CV-Methods()
- defineMarketTools-methods()
- Diagnostics-Methods()
- Diversion-Methods()
- Elast-Methods()
- HHI-Functions()
- HHI-Methods()
- Linear-Functions()
- Logit-Functions()
- Margins-Methods()
- Output-Methods()
- Ownership-methods()
- Params-Methods()
- Plot-Methods()
- PriceDelta-Methods()
- Prices-Methods()
- PS-methods()
- Show-Methods()
- Sim-Functions()
- summary-methods()
- SupplyChain-Functions()
- UPP-Methods()
- Vertical-Classes()
R Codes
- AIDSFunctions.R
- antitrust-deprecated.R
- AntitrustClasses.R
- AntitrustPackage.R
- Antitrust_Shiny.R
- Auction2ndCapFunctions.R
- Auction2ndLogitFunctions.R
- AuctionCapMethods.R
- AuctionClasses.R
- BargainingClasses.R
- BargainingLogitFunctions.R
- BertrandClasses.R
- BertrandFunctions.R
- BertrandRUMClasses.R
- CESFunctions.R
- CMCRBertrandFunctions.R
- CMCRCournotFunctions.R
- CMCRMethods.R
- CostMethods.R
- CournotClasses.R
- CournotFunctions.R
- CVMethods.R
- DiagnosticsMethods.R
- DiversionMethods.R
- ElastMethods.R
- HHIFunctions.R
- HHIMethods.R
- HypoMonMethods.R
- LinearFunctions.R
- LogitFunctions.R
- MarginsMethods.R
- OutputMethods.R
- OwnershipMethods.R
- ParamsMethods.R
- PlotMethods.R
- PriceDeltaMethods.R
- PricesMethods.R
- PSMethods.R
- ShowMethods.R
- SimFunctions.R
- SummaryMethods.R
- UPPMethods.R
- VerticalClasses.R
- VerticalFunctions.R
Selected R package: antitrust
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