R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- AAbin()
- ace()
- add.scale.bar()
- additive()
- alex()
- all.equal.DNAbin()
- all.equal.phylo()
- alview()
- ape-internal()
- ape-package()
- apetools()
- as.alignment()
- as.bitsplits()
- as.matching()
- as.phylo.formula()
- as.phylo()
- axisPhylo()
- balance()
- base.freq()
- bd.ext()
- bd.time()
- binaryPGLMM()
- bind.tree()
- bionj()
- bird.families()
- bird.orders()
- birthdeath()
- boot.phylo()
- branching.times()
- c.phylo()
- CADM.global()
- carnivora()
- checkAlignment()
- checkLabel()
- checkValidPhylo()
- cherry()
- chiroptera()
- chronoMPL()
- chronopl()
- chronos()
- clustal()
- coalescent.intervals()
- collapse.singles()
- collapsed.intervals()
- compar.cheverud()
- compar.gee()
- compar.lynch()
- compar.ou()
- comparePhylo()
- compute.brlen()
- compute.brtime()
- consensus()
- cophenetic.phylo()
- cophyloplot()
- corBlomberg()
- corBrownian()
- corClasses()
- corGrafen()
- corMartins()
- corPagel()
- corphylo()
- correlogram.formula()
- cynipids()
- dbd()
- def()
- degree()
- del.gaps()
- delta.plot()
- dist.dna()
- dist.gene()
- dist.topo()
- diversi.gof()
- diversi.time()
- diversity.contrast.test()
- DNAbin()
- DNAbin2indel()
- dnds()
- drop.tip()
- edges()
- evonet()
- ewLasso()
- fastme()
- gammaStat()
- getAnnotationsGenBank()
- hivtree()
- howmanytrees()
- identify.phylo()
- image.DNAbin()
- Initialize.corPhyl()
- is.binary.tree()
- is.compatible()
- is.monophyletic()
- is.ultrametric()
- kronoviz()
- label2table()
- ladderize()
- latag2n()
- lmorigin()
- LTT()
- ltt.plot()
- makeLabel()
- makeNodeLabel()
- mantel.test()
- mat3()
- mat5M3ID()
- mat5Mrand()
- matexpo()
- mcconwaysims.test()
- mcmc.popsize()
- mixedFontLabel()
- MoranI()
- MPR()
- mrca()
- mst()
- multi2di()
- multiphylo()
- mvr()
- nj()
- njs()
- node.dating()
- node.depth()
- nodelabels()
- nodepath()
- parafit()
- pcoa()
- phydataplot()
- phymltest()
- pic()
- pic.ortho()
- plot.correlogram()
- plot.phylo()
- plot.phyloExtra()
- plot.varcomp()
- plotTreeTime()
- print.phylo()
- rDNAbin()
- read.caic()
- read.dna()
- read.GenBank()
- read.gff()
- read.nexus.data()
- read.nexus()
- read.tree()
- reconstruct()
- reorder.phylo()
- richness.yule.test()
- rlineage()
- root()
- rotate()
- rTraitCont()
- rTraitDisc()
- rTraitMult()
- rtree()
- rtt()
- SDM()
- seg.sites()
- skyline()
- skylineplot()
- slowinskiguyer.test()
- solveAmbiguousBases()
- speciesTree()
- stree()
- subtreeplot()
- subtrees()
- summary.phylo()
- trans()
- treePop()
- trex()
- triangMtd()
- unique.multiPhylo()
- updateLabel()
- varcomp()
- varCompPhylip()
- vcv.phylo()
- vcv2phylo()
- weight.taxo()
- where()
- which.edge()
- woodmouse()
- write.dna()
- write.nexus.data()
- write.nexus()
- write.tree()
- yule.cov()
- yule()
- yule.time()
- zoom()
R Codes
- ace.R
- additive.R
- alex.R
- all.equal.phylo.R
- apetools.R
- as.bitsplits.R
- as.matching.R
- as.phylo.formula.R
- as.phylo.R
- balance.R
- binaryPGLMM.R
- bind.tree.R
- biplot.pcoa.R
- birthdeath.R
- branching.times.R
- CADM.global.R
- CADM.post.R
- CDF.birth.death.R
- checkValidPhylo.R
- cherry.R
- Cheverud.R
- chronoMPL.R
- chronopl.R
- chronos.R
- clustal.R
- coalescent.intervals.R
- collapse.singles.R
- collapsed.intervals.R
- compar.gee.R
- compar.lynch.R
- compar.ou.R
- comparePhylo.R
- compute.brtime.R
- cophenetic.phylo.R
- cophyloplot.R
- corphylo.R
- dbd.R
- def.R
- delta.plot.R
- dist.gene.R
- dist.topo.R
- diversi.gof.R
- diversi.time.R
- drop.tip.R
- evonet.R
- ewLasso.R
- extract.popsize.R
- gammaStat.R
- howmanytrees.R
- identify.phylo.R
- is.binary.tree.R
- is.compatible.R
- is.monophyletic.R
- is.ultrametric.R
- ladderize.R
- lmorigin.R
- ltt.plot.R
- makeLabel.R
- makeNodeLabel.R
- mantel.test.R
- matexpo.R
- mcmc.popsize.R
- me.R
- MoranI.R
- mrca.R
- mst.R
- multi2di.R
- mvr.R
- nj.R
- njs.R
- node.dating.R
- nodelabels.R
- nodepath.R
- parafit.R
- pcoa.R
- phydataplot.R
- phymltest.R
- pic.R
- plot.phylo.R
- plot.phyloExtra.R
- plot.popsize.R
- plotPhyloCoor.R
- print.lmorigin.R
- print.parafit.R
- RcppExports.R
- read.caic.R
- read.dna.R
- read.GenBank.R
- read.gff.R
- read.nexus.data.R
- read.nexus.R
- read.tree.R
- reconstruct.R
- reorder.phylo.R
- root.R
- rotate.R
- rTrait.R
- rtree.R
- rtt.R
- scales.R
- skyline.R
- skylineplot.R
- SlowinskiGuyer.R
- speciesTree.R
- subtreeplot.R
- subtrees.R
- summary.phylo.R
- treePop.R
- triangMtd.R
- unique.multiPhylo.R
- varcomp.R
- vcv.phylo.R
- vcv2phylo.R
- which.edge.R
- write.dna.R
- write.nexus.data.R
- write.nexus.R
- write.tree.R
- yule.R
- yule.time.R
- zoom.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: ape
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