R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- average_results()
- compute_accumulation_metrics()
- compute_bmr()
- compute_intensity_distri_metrics()
- compute_mets()
- compute_pro_actigraph_score()
- compute_pro_score_cppac()
- compute_pro_score_dppac()
- create_fig_mvpa()
- create_fig_mx_by_day()
- create_fig_mx_summary()
- create_fig_pal()
- create_fig_ratio_mvpa_sed()
- create_fig_res_by_day()
- create_fig_sed()
- create_fig_steps()
- create_flextable_summary()
- do_all_analyses()
- get_guidelines_status()
- get_ig_results()
- get_pal_status()
- get_pa_period_info()
- get_ratio_mvpa_sed_comment()
- mark_intensity()
- mark_wear_time()
- plot_data()
- plot_data_with_intensity()
- prepare_dataset()
- rasch_transform()
- read_agd()
- read_agd_raw()
- recap_by_day()
- run_app()
- tbl_agd()
R Codes
- app_config.R
- app_server.R
- app_ui.R
- average_results.R
- compute_accumulation_metrics.R
- compute_bmr.R
- compute_intensity_distri_metrics.R
- compute_mets.R
- compute_pro_actigraph_score.R
- compute_pro_score_cppac.R
- compute_pro_score_dppac.R
- config_dplyr.R
- coord_radar.R
- create_fig_mvpa.R
- create_fig_mx_by_day.R
- create_fig_mx_summary.R
- create_fig_pal.R
- create_fig_ratio_mvpa_sed.R
- create_fig_res_by_day.R
- create_fig_sed.R
- create_fig_steps.R
- create_flextable_summary.R
- do_all_analyses.R
- get_guidelines_status.R
- get_ig_results.R
- get_pal_status.R
- get_pa_period_info.R
- get_ratio_mvpa_sed_comment.R
- global.R
- globals.R
- golem_utils_server.R
- golem_utils_ui.R
- mark_intensity.R
- mark_wear_time.R
- mod_control_pa_period_view.R
- mod_report_pa_period.R
- plot_data.R
- plot_data_with_intensity.R
- prepare_dataset.R
- rasch_transform.R
- read_agd.R
- recap_by_day.R
- run_app.R
- settings.R
- tbl_agd.R
Selected R package: activAnalyzer
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