R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- abernethy()
- analog()
- analogue-internal()
- analogue-package()
- bayesF()
- bootstrap()
- bootstrap.wa()
- bootstrapObject()
- caterpillarPlot()
- chooseTaxa()
- cma()
- compare()
- crossval()
- densityplot.residLen()
- deshrink()
- dissimilarities()
- distance()
- evenlySampled()
- fitted.logitreg()
- fuse()
- getK()
- gradientDist()
- hist.residLen()
- histogram.residLen()
- ImbrieKipp()
- join()
- logitreg()
- mat()
- mcarlo()
- minDC()
- n2()
- optima()
- panel.Loess()
- panel.Stratiplot()
- pcr()
- performance()
- plot.dissimilarities()
- plot.evenSample()
- plot.logitreg()
- plot.mat()
- plot.mcarlo()
- plot.minDC()
- plot.prcurve()
- plot.residLen()
- plot.roc()
- plot.sppResponse()
- plot.wa()
- Pollen()
- prcurve()
- predict.logitreg()
- predict.mat()
- predict.pcr()
- predict.prcurve()
- predict.wa()
- rankDC()
- reconPlot()
- residLen()
- residuals.prcurve()
- rlgh()
- roc()
- scores.prcurve()
- screeplot()
- smoothFuns()
- splitSample()
- sppResponse.prcurve()
- stdError()
- Stratiplot()
- summary.analog()
- summary.bootstrap.mat()
- summary.cma()
- summary.mat()
- summary.predict.mat()
- swapdiat()
- swappH()
- timetrack()
- tortula()
- tran()
- varExpl()
- wa()
- weightedCor()
R Codes
- analog.R
- as.data.frame.optima.R
- bayesF.R
- bootstrap.R
- bootstrap.wa.R
- caterpillarPlot.R
- ccaFit.R
- chooseTaxa.R
- cma.R
- coef.pcr.R
- coef.wa.R
- compare.R
- crossval.pcr.R
- crossval.R
- crossval.wa.R
- densityplot.residLen.R
- deshrink.R
- deshrinkPred.R
- dissimilarities.R
- distance.R
- dotplot.rankDC.R
- eigenvals.pcr.R
- evenSample.R
- fitPCR.R
- fitted.logitreg.R
- fitted.mat.R
- fitted.pcr.R
- fitted.prcurve.R
- fitted.timetrack.R
- fitted.wa.R
- fixUpTol.R
- fuse.dist.R
- fuse.matrix.R
- fuse.R
- getK.R
- gradientDist.R
- head.join.R
- hist.residLen.R
- histogram.residLen.R
- initCurve.R
- internal.R
- join.R
- lines.prcurve.R
- logitreg.analog.R
- logitreg.R
- mat.R
- mcarlo.R
- minDC.R
- minDC.wa.R
- n2.R
- new-distance.R
- optima.R
- panel.Loess.R
- panel.Stratiplot.R
- pcr.R
- performance.bootstrap.wa.R
- performance.crossval.R
- performance.pcr.R
- performance.predict.wa.R
- performance.R
- performance.wa.R
- plot.bayesF.R
- plot.cma.R
- plot.dissimilarities.R
- plot.evenSample.R
- plot.gradientDist.R
- plot.logitreg.R
- plot.mat.R
- plot.mcarlo.R
- plot.prcurve.R
- plot.rankDC.R
- plot.residLen.R
- plot.roc.R
- plot.sppResponse.R
- plot.timetrack.R
- plot.wa.R
- points.timetrack.R
- prcurve.R
- predict.logitreg.R
- predict.mat.R
- predict.pcr.R
- predict.prcurve.R
- predict.timetrack.R
- predict.wa.R
- print.bootstrap.wa.R
- print.performance.R
- print.predict.wa.R
- print.residLen.R
- print.roc.R
- print.summary.roc.R
- print.wa.R
- rankDC.R
- rdaFit.R
- reconPlot.predict.wa.R
- reconPlot.R
- residLen.R
- residuals.bootstrap.mat.R
- residuals.mat.R
- residuals.pcr.R
- residuals.prcurve.R
- residuals.wa.R
- RMSEP.bootstrap.wa.R
- roc.R
- scores.prcurve.R
- scores.timetrack.R
- screeplot.pcr.R
- screeplot.R
- smoothGAM.R
- smoothSpline.R
- splitSample.R
- sppResponse.prcurve.R
- sppResponse.R
- stdError.R
- Stratiplot.formula.R
- Stratiplot.matrix.R
- Stratiplot.R
- summary.analog.R
- summary.bootstrap.mat.R
- summary.cma.R
- summary.logitreg.R
- summary.mat.R
- summary.predict.mat.R
- summary.roc.R
- tail.join.R
- timetrack.R
- tolerance.R
- tran.R
- varExpl.R
- wa.formula.R
- wa.R
- waFit.R
- weightedCor.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: analogue
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