R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- anchorTime()
- ar1()
- ar1etp()
- arcsinT()
- armaGen()
- asm()
- astrochron-package()
- autoPlot()
- bandpass()
- bergerPeriods()
- bicoherence()
- bioturb()
- calcPeriods()
- cb()
- clipIt()
- confAdjust()
- constantSedrate()
- conv_fft()
- cosTaper()
- cycles()
- deconv()
- delPts()
- demean()
- detrend()
- diffAccum()
- divTrend()
- dpssTaper()
- eAsm()
- eAsmTrack()
- eha()
- eTimeOpt()
- eTimeOptTrack()
- etp()
- extract()
- flip()
- freq2sedrate()
- gausTaper()
- getColor()
- getData()
- getLaskar()
- hannTaper()
- headn()
- hilbert()
- idPts()
- imbrie()
- impulseResponse()
- insoDiff()
- insoMap()
- insoSeries()
- integratePower()
- iso()
- linage()
- linterp()
- logT()
- lowpass()
- lowspec()
- makeNoise()
- modelA()
- mtm()
- mtmAR()
- mtmML96()
- mtmPL()
- multiTest()
- mwCor()
- mwin()
- mwinGrid()
- mwMinMax()
- mwStats()
- mwStatsGrid()
- noKernel()
- noLow()
- pad()
- peak()
- periodogram()
- pl()
- plotEha()
- plS()
- prewhiteAR()
- prewhiteAR1()
- pwrLaw()
- pwrLawFit()
- rankSeries()
- read()
- readMatrix()
- repl0()
- replEps()
- resample()
- rmNA()
- s()
- sedRamp()
- sedrate2time()
- slideCor()
- sortNave()
- stepHeat()
- strats()
- surrogateCor()
- surrogates()
- synthStrat()
- taner()
- tanerFFT()
- testBackground()
- testPrecession()
- testTilt()
- timeOpt()
- timeOptMCMC()
- timeOptPlot()
- timeOptSim()
- timeOptSimPwrLaw()
- timeOptTemplate()
- timeOptTemplatePlot()
- timeOptTemplateSim()
- tones()
- traceFreq()
- tracePeak()
- trackFreq()
- trackPeak()
- trim()
- trimAT()
- trough()
- tune()
- unbioturb()
- writeCSV()
- writeT()
- wtMean()
- xplot()
- zoomIn()
R Codes
- astrochron_pkg.R
- FUNCTION-anchorTime_v4a.R
- FUNCTION-ar1etp_v10.R
- FUNCTION-ar1_v8.R
- FUNCTION-arcsinT_v6.R
- FUNCTION-armaGen_v5.R
- FUNCTION-asm_v10b.R
- FUNCTION-autoPlot_v13.R
- FUNCTION-bandpass_v15.R
- FUNCTION-bergerPeriods_v3.R
- FUNCTION-bicoherence_20.R
- FUNCTION-bioturb_v2.R
- FUNCTION-calcPeriods_v3.R
- FUNCTION-calcPeriods_v5.R
- FUNCTION-cb_v3.R
- FUNCTION-clipIt_v2.R
- FUNCTION-confAdjust_v9.R
- FUNCTION-confAdjust_v10.R
- FUNCTION-constantSedrate_v4.R
- FUNCTION-conv_fft.R
- FUNCTION-cosTaper_v10.R
- FUNCTION-cycles_v5.R
- FUNCTION-deconv.R
- FUNCTION-delPts_v7.R
- FUNCTION-demean_v3.R
- FUNCTION-detrend_v4.R
- FUNCTION-diffAccum_v6.R
- FUNCTION-divTrend_v4.R
- FUNCTION-dpssTaper_v4.R
- FUNCTION-eAsmTrack_v2.R
- FUNCTION-eAsm_v4.R
- FUNCTION-eha_v23.R
- FUNCTION-eTimeOptTrack_v2.R
- FUNCTION-eTimeOpt_v9.R
- FUNCTION-etp_v7.R
- FUNCTION-extract_v5.R
- FUNCTION-flip_v2.R
- FUNCTION-freq2sedrate_v3.R
- FUNCTION-gausTaper_v9.R
- FUNCTION-getColor.R
- FUNCTION-getData_v7.R
- FUNCTION-getData_v8.R
- FUNCTION-getLaskar_v4.R
- FUNCTION-hannTaper_v4.R
- FUNCTION-headn_v3.R
- FUNCTION-hilbert_v17.R
- FUNCTION-hilbert_v18.R
- FUNCTION-idPts_v11.R
- FUNCTION-imbrie_v7a.R
- FUNCTION-imbrie_v8.R
- FUNCTION-impulseResponse.R
- FUNCTION-insoDiff_v2.R
- FUNCTION-insoMap_v3.R
- FUNCTION-insoSeries_v4.R
- FUNCTION-integratePower_v10.R
- FUNCTION-iso_v10.R
- FUNCTION-linage_v4.R
- FUNCTION-linterp_v11.R
- FUNCTION-logT_v6.R
- FUNCTION-lowpass_v12.R
- FUNCTION-lowspec_v22.R
- FUNCTION-makeNoise_v3.R
- FUNCTION-mtmML96_v16.R
- FUNCTION-mtm_v20.R
- FUNCTION-multiTest_v10.R
- FUNCTION-multiTest_v11.R
- FUNCTION-mwCor_v6.R
- FUNCTION-mwinGrid_v2.R
- FUNCTION-mwin_v9.R
- FUNCTION-mwMinMax_v3.R
- FUNCTION-mwStatsGrid_v4.R
- FUNCTION-mwStats_v10.R
- FUNCTION-noKernel_v4.R
- FUNCTION-noLow_v5.R
- FUNCTION-pad_v3.R
- FUNCTION-peak_v7.R
- FUNCTION-periodogram_v16.R
- FUNCTION-periodogram_v19.R
- FUNCTION-plotEha_v6.R
- FUNCTION-pl_v7.R
- FUNCTION-pl_v8.R
- FUNCTION-prewhiteAR1_v5.R
- FUNCTION-prewhiteAR_v6.R
- FUNCTION-pwrLawFit_v5.R
- FUNCTION-pwrLaw_v4.R
- FUNCTION-rankSeries_v4.R
- FUNCTION-readMatrix_v10.R
- FUNCTION-readMatrix_v11.R
- FUNCTION-read_v34.R
- FUNCTION-read_v36.R
- FUNCTION-repl0_v5.R
- FUNCTION-replEps_v6.R
- FUNCTION-resample_v6.R
- FUNCTION-sedRamp_v3.R
- FUNCTION-sedrate2time_v4.R
- FUNCTION-slideCor_v14.R
- FUNCTION-sortNave_v9.R
- FUNCTION-stepHeat_v5.R
- FUNCTION-strats_v14.R
- FUNCTION-surrogateCor_v8.R
- FUNCTION-surrogateCor_v9.R
- FUNCTION-surrogates_v2.R
- FUNCTION-synthStrat_v6.R
- FUNCTION-tanerFC_v1.R
- FUNCTION-taner_v9.R
- FUNCTION-testBackground_v8a.R
- FUNCTION-testPrecession_v11.R
- FUNCTION-testTilt_v11.R
- FUNCTION-timeOptPlot_v6.R
- FUNCTION-timeOptSimPwrLaw_v4.R
- FUNCTION-timeOptSim_v9.R
- FUNCTION-timeOptTemplatePlot_v6.R
- FUNCTION-timeOptTemplateSim_v8.R
- FUNCTION-timeOptTemplate_v25.R
- FUNCTION-timeOpt_v16.R
- FUNCTION-timeOpt_v17.R
- FUNCTION-tones.R
- FUNCTION-traceFreq_v8.R
- FUNCTION-tracePeak_v3.R
- FUNCTION-trackFreq_v10.R
- FUNCTION-trackPeak_v3.R
- FUNCTION-trimAT_v4.R
- FUNCTION-trim_v5.R
- FUNCTION-trough_v3.R
- FUNCTION-tune_v10.R
- FUNCTION-unbioturb_v3.R
- FUNCTION-unbioturb_v4.R
- FUNCTION-writeCSV_v3.R
- FUNCTION-writeT_v3.R
- FUNCTION-wtMean_v13.R
- FUNCTION-xplot_v5.R
- FUNCTION-zoomIn_v2.R
- startupMessage.R
Selected R package: astrochron
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