R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- actuar-package()
- adjCoef()
- aggregateDist()
- betaint()
- BetaMoments()
- Burr()
- ChisqSupp()
- cm()
- coverage()
- CTE()
- dental()
- discretize()
- elev()
- emm()
- ExponentialSupp()
- Extract.grouped.data()
- FellerPareto()
- GammaSupp()
- gdental()
- GeneralizedBeta()
- GeneralizedPareto()
- grouped.data()
- Gumbel()
- hachemeister()
- hist.grouped.data()
- InverseBurr()
- InverseExponential()
- InverseGamma()
- InverseGaussian()
- InverseParalogistic()
- InversePareto()
- InverseTransformedGamma()
- InverseWeibull()
- Logarithmic()
- Loggamma()
- Loglogistic()
- LognormalMoments()
- mde()
- mean.grouped.data()
- NormalSupp()
- ogive()
- Paralogistic()
- Pareto()
- Pareto2()
- Pareto3()
- Pareto4()
- PhaseType()
- PoissonInverseGaussian()
- quantile.aggregateDist()
- quantile.grouped.data()
- rcomphierarc()
- rcomphierarc.summaries()
- rcompound()
- rmixture()
- ruin()
- severity()
- simul()
- simul.summaries()
- SingleParameterPareto()
- TransformedBeta()
- TransformedGamma()
- UniformSupp()
- unroll()
- var-methods()
- VaR()
- WeibullMoments()
- ZeroModifiedBinomial()
- ZeroModifiedGeometric()
- ZeroModifiedLogarithmic()
- ZeroModifiedNegativeBinomial()
- ZeroModifiedPoisson()
- ZeroTruncatedBinomial()
- ZeroTruncatedGeometric()
- ZeroTruncatedNegativeBinomial()
- ZeroTruncatedPoisson()
R Codes
- adjCoef.R
- aggregateDist.R
- bayes.R
- betaint.R
- BetaMoments.R
- bstraub.R
- Burr.R
- ChisqSupp.R
- cm.R
- coverage.R
- discretize.R
- elev.R
- emm.R
- exact.R
- ExponentialSupp.R
- Extract.grouped.data.R
- FellerPareto.R
- GammaSupp.R
- GeneralizedBeta.R
- GeneralizedPareto.R
- grouped.data.R
- Gumbel.R
- hache.barycenter.R
- hache.origin.R
- hache.R
- hierarc.R
- hist.grouped.data.R
- InverseBurr.R
- InverseExponential.R
- InverseGamma.R
- InverseGaussian.R
- InverseParalogistic.R
- InversePareto.R
- InverseTransformedGamma.R
- InverseWeibull.R
- Logarithmic.R
- Loggamma.R
- Loglogistic.R
- LognormalMoments.R
- mde.R
- mean.grouped.data.R
- normal.R
- NormalSupp.R
- ogive.R
- panjer.R
- Paralogistic.R
- Pareto.R
- Pareto2.R
- Pareto3.R
- Pareto4.R
- PhaseType.R
- PoissonInverseGaussian.R
- quantile.aggregateDist.R
- quantile.grouped.data.R
- rcomphierarc.R
- rcomphierarc.summaries.R
- rcompound.R
- rmixture.R
- ruin.R
- severity.R
- simS.R
- simul.R
- simul.summaries.R
- SingleParameterPareto.R
- TransformedBeta.R
- TransformedGamma.R
- UniformSupp.R
- unroll.R
- var-methods.R
- VaR.R
- WeibullMoments.R
- ZeroModifiedBinomial.R
- ZeroModifiedGeometric.R
- ZeroModifiedLogarithmic.R
- ZeroModifiedNegativeBinomial.R
- ZeroModifiedPoisson.R
- ZeroTruncatedBinomial.R
- ZeroTruncatedGeometric.R
- ZeroTruncatedNegativeBinomial.R
- ZeroTruncatedPoisson.R
Selected R package: actuar
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