R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- angstep2xy()
- bearing()
- ccylcop()
- cor_cyl()
- Cramer_vonMises()
- cylcop-deprecated()
- cylcop-package()
- Cylcop()
- cylcop_get_option()
- cylcop_set_option()
- cyl_copula-class()
- cyl_cubsec-class()
- cyl_cubsec()
- cyl_quadsec-class()
- cyl_quadsec()
- cyl_rect_combine-class()
- cyl_rect_combine()
- cyl_rot_combine-class()
- cyl_rot_combine()
- cyl_vonmises-class()
- cyl_vonmises()
- dens()
- fit_angle()
- fit_cylcop_cor()
- fit_cylcop_ml()
- fit_steplength()
- full2half_circ()
- gammamix()
- half2full_circ()
- joint()
- lnormmix()
- mi_cyl()
- mle.vonmisesmix()
- normmix()
- numerical_conditional_cop()
- numerical_inv_conditional_cop()
- opt_auto()
- opt_circ_bw()
- opt_lin_bw()
- plot-cyl_copula-missing-method()
- plot_circ_hist()
- plot_cop_scat()
- plot_cop_surf()
- plot_joint_box()
- plot_joint_circ()
- plot_joint_scat()
- plot_track()
- prob-cyl_copula-method()
- set_cop_param()
- show-cyl_copula-method()
- traj_get()
- traj_sim()
- vonmisesmix()
- wasserstein()
- weibullmix()
- wrappedcauchy()
R Codes
- aaaglobal.R
- Ccond.R
- correlation.R
- cylcop-package.R
- cyl_cop_class.R
- cyl_cubsec.R
- cyl_quadsec.R
- cyl_rect_combine.R
- cyl_rot_combine.R
- cyl_vonmises.R
- density.R
- deprecated.R
- fit_cop_corr.R
- fit_cop_mle.R
- fit_margin.R
- gof.R
- joint_distr.R
- mixedvonmises.R
- mixed_linear.R
- opt_auto.R
- plotting_functions.R
- simulate_trajectory.R
- utils.R
- wrappedcauchy.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: cylcop
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