R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- BCovTest1.mxPBF()
- BDiagTest1.mxPBF()
- CovDist()
- CovEst.2003LW()
- CovEst.2010OAS()
- CovEst.2010RBLW()
- CovEst.adaptive()
- CovEst.hard()
- CovEst.hardPD()
- CovEst.nearPD()
- CovEst.soft()
- CovMean()
- CovTest1.2013Cai()
- CovTest1.2014Srivastava()
- CovTest2.2013Cai()
- DiagTest1.2011Cai()
- DiagTest1.2015Lan()
- package-CovTools()
- PreEst.2014An()
- PreEst.2014Banerjee()
- PreEst.2017Lee()
- PreEst.glasso()
- samplecovs()
R Codes
- auxiliary.R
- auxiliary_invisible.R
- BCovTest1.mxPBF.R
- BDiagTest1.mxPBF.R
- CovDist.R
- CovEst.2003LW.R
- CovEst.2010OAS.R
- CovEst.2010RBLW.R
- CovEst.adaptive.R
- CovEst.hard.R
- CovEst.hardPD.R
- CovEst.nearPD.R
- CovEst.soft.R
- CovMean.R
- CovTest1.2013Cai.R
- CovTest1.2014Srivastava.R
- CovTest2.2013Cai.R
- DiagTest1.2011Cai.R
- DiagTest1.2015Lan.R
- fns.covest.R
- fns.dist.R
- fns.mean.R
- fns.shapes.R
- init.R
- package-CovTools.R
- PreEst.2014An.R
- PreEst.2014Banerjee.R
- PreEst.2017Lee.R
- PreEst.glasso.R
- RcppExports.R
Selected R package: CovTools
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