R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- absolute_corr_fun()
- absolute_weighted_corr_fun()
- autoplot.gpsm_erf()
- autoplot.gpsm_pspop()
- CausalGPS-package()
- check_args()
- check_args_compile_pseudo_pop()
- check_args_estimate_gps()
- check_args_use_cov_transformers()
- check_covar_balance()
- check_kolmogorov_smirnov()
- compile_pseudo_pop()
- compute_closest_wgps()
- compute_density()
- compute_min_max()
- compute_outer()
- compute_resid()
- compute_risk()
- create_matching()
- create_weighting()
- estimate_gps()
- estimate_hat_vals()
- estimate_npmetric_erf()
- estimate_pmetric_erf()
- estimate_semipmetric_erf()
- generate_kernel()
- generate_pseudo_pop()
- generate_syn_data()
- gen_wrap_sl_lib()
- get_logger()
- log_system_info()
- matching_l1()
- plot.gpsm_erf()
- plot.gpsm_pspop()
- print.gpsm_erf()
- print.gpsm_pspop()
- set_logger()
- smooth_erf()
- summary.gpsm_erf()
- summary.gpsm_pspop()
- synthetic_us_2010()
- train_it()
- transform_it()
- w_fun()
R Codes
- absolute_corr_fun.R
- absolute_weighted_corr_fun.R
- causalgps_package.R
- causalgps_smooth.R
- check_arguments.R
- check_covar_balance.R
- check_kolmogorov_smirnov.R
- compile_pseudo_pop.R
- compute_closest_wgps.R
- compute_density.R
- compute_minmax.R
- compute_outer.R
- compute_resid.R
- compute_risk.R
- create_matching.R
- create_weighting.R
- data.R
- estimate_gps.R
- estimate_hat_vals.R
- estimate_npmetric_erf.R
- estimate_pmetric_erf.R
- estimate_semipmetric_erf.R
- generate_pseudo_pop.R
- generate_synthetic_data.R
- generate_wrap_sl_lib.R
- matching_l1.R
- plot.R
- print.R
- RcppExports.R
- set_logger.R
- smooth_erf.R
- train_it.R
- utils.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: CausalGPS
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