R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- checkItemRespValid()
- checkNoExtraVars()
- checkVars()
- checkVarsExist()
- cnvrtItemParam()
- ConQuestCall()
- ConQuestRout()
- ConQuestSys()
- createConQuestProject()
- findConQuestExe()
- fisherTrnsfrm()
- fmtCqItanal()
- fmtCqItanalSmry()
- fmtCqItanalTbl()
- genItems()
- genResponses()
- geom_line_or_smooth()
- getCqChain()
- getCqData()
- getCqDataDf()
- getCqEsts()
- getCqFit()
- getCqHist()
- getCqItanal()
- getCqItanalFacility()
- getCqItanalSummary()
- getCqKeys()
- getCqLongLabs()
- getCqParams()
- getCqPid()
- getCqResp()
- getCqRespModel()
- getCqScores()
- getCqTerms()
- getCqVars()
- getCqYData()
- getItemMatrix()
- ginsOnDims()
- guide_remove_groups()
- guide_remove_linetype()
- informationWrightMap()
- infoWI()
- isCqConverged()
- ItemDfStdZ()
- ItemDfStdZMerge()
- itemInfoAtTheta()
- itemInfoOverTheta()
- itemListToDeltaDots()
- itemListToThresholds()
- itemResp()
- makeItemList()
- mleCalc()
- myAbilitiesHelper()
- myItemHelper()
- orderItanalCols()
- perturbResp()
- plotCCC()
- plotCqHist()
- plotDif()
- plotItemMap()
- plotModelCCC()
- plotModelExp()
- plotRout()
- postProcessGncases()
- postProcessSys()
- pvMeanVar()
- pX()
- q3ExpCorrect()
- rawScore()
- ReadADesignMatrices()
- ReadAllCaseEstimates()
- ReadAllGroupsData()
- ReadAllResponseData()
- ReadAllY()
- ReadAnchor()
- ReadAnchorList()
- ReadBandDefine()
- ReadBandDefinesList()
- ReadBDesignMatrices()
- ReadBitSet()
- ReadBoolean()
- ReadBooleanList()
- ReadCategorise()
- ReadCategoriseList()
- ReadCDesignMatrices()
- readCharSafe()
- ReadCodeList()
- ReadDataRecord()
- ReadDouble()
- ReadDoubleList()
- ReadEstimatesRecord()
- ReadFit()
- ReadFitList()
- ReadGExportOptions()
- ReadGExportOptionsList()
- ReadGraph()
- ReadGroupsOneCase()
- ReadHistory()
- ReadImplicitVar()
- ReadInteger()
- ReadIntegerList()
- ReadIntegerListList()
- ReadIRecode()
- ReadIRecodeList()
- ReadItemSet()
- ReadItemSetList()
- ReadKey()
- ReadKeyList()
- ReadLabel()
- ReadLabelList()
- ReadLookUp()
- ReadLookUpList()
- ReadMatrix()
- ReadMatrixList()
- ReadMatrixVars()
- ReadParameters()
- ReadParametersList()
- ReadPoint()
- ReadRandomStructure()
- ReadRegression()
- ReadRegressionList()
- ReadRegressionListLeg()
- ReadResponse()
- ReadResponseList()
- ReadSeries()
- ReadString()
- ReadStringList()
- ReadSys()
- ReadTerms()
- ReadTermsList()
- ReadVariable()
- ReadVariableList()
- ReadVarInfo()
- ReadVarList()
- ReadYOneCase()
- recodeResps()
- replaceInDataFrame()
- replaceInVector()
- routPointsToDf()
- routType()
- searchConQuestSys()
- simplef()
- simplep()
- steigerStat()
- summariseCqChain()
- sysFileOk()
- sysToBMatrixDf()
- sysToDimLabels()
- sysToItemDifDf()
- sysToItemLabels()
- sysToItems()
- testInfoAtTheta()
- testInfoOverTheta()
- thetaScore()
- theta_ll()
- thrstThrsh()
- transformPvs()
- zapNulls()
- zapSystemMissing()
R Codes
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