R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- add_multitoken_label()
- aggregate_rsyntax()
- agg_label()
- agg_tcorpus()
- as.tcorpus.default()
- as.tcorpus()
- as.tcorpus.tCorpus()
- backbone_filter()
- browse_hits()
- browse_texts()
- calc_chi2()
- compare_corpus()
- compare_documents()
- compare_subset()
- corenlp_tokens()
- count_tcorpus()
- create_tcorpus()
- docfreq_filter()
- dtm_compare()
- dtm_wordcloud()
- ego_semnet()
- export_span_annotations()
- feature_associations()
- feature_stats()
- fold_rsyntax()
- freq_filter()
- get_dtm()
- get_global_i()
- get_kwic()
- get_stopwords()
- laplace()
- melt_quanteda_dict()
- merge_tcorpora()
- plot.contextHits()
- plot.featureAssociations()
- plot.featureHits()
- plot.vocabularyComparison()
- plot_semnet()
- plot_words()
- preprocess_tokens()
- print.contextHits()
- print.featureHits()
- print.tCorpus()
- refresh_tcorpus()
- require_package()
- search_contexts()
- search_dictionary()
- search_features()
- semnet()
- semnet_window()
- set_network_attributes()
- sgt()
- show_udpipe_models()
- sotu_texts()
- stopwords_list()
- subset.tCorpus()
- subset_query()
- summary.contextHits()
- summary.featureHits()
- summary.tCorpus()
- tCorpus-cash-annotate_rsyntax()
- tCorpus-cash-code_dictionary()
- tCorpus-cash-code_features()
- tCorpus-cash-context()
- tCorpus-cash-deduplicate()
- tCorpus-cash-delete_columns()
- tCorpus-cash-feats_to_columns()
- tCorpus-cash-feature_subset()
- tCorpus-cash-fold_rsyntax()
- tCorpus-cash-get()
- tCorpus-cash-lda_fit()
- tCorpus-cash-merge()
- tCorpus-cash-preprocess()
- tCorpus-cash-replace_dictionary()
- tCorpus-cash-search_recode()
- tCorpus-cash-set()
- tCorpus-cash-set_levels()
- tCorpus-cash-set_name()
- tCorpus-cash-subset()
- tCorpus-cash-subset_query()
- tCorpus-cash-udpipe_clauses()
- tCorpus-cash-udpipe_quotes()
- tCorpus()
- tCorpus_compare()
- tCorpus_create()
- tCorpus_data()
- tCorpus_docsim()
- tCorpus_features()
- tCorpus_modify_by_reference()
- tCorpus_querying()
- tCorpus_semnet()
- tCorpus_topmod()
- tc_plot_tree()
- tc_sotu_udpipe()
- tokens_to_tcorpus()
- tokenWindowOccurence()
- top_features()
- transform_rsyntax()
- udpipe_clause_tqueries()
- udpipe_quote_tqueries()
- udpipe_simplify()
- udpipe_spanquote_tqueries()
- udpipe_tcorpus()
- untokenize()
R Codes
Selected R package: corpustools
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