R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- absolutePublicGoodValue()
- absolutePublicHelpChiValue()
- absolutePublicHelpValue()
- apexGame()
- apexGameValue()
- apexGameVector()
- bankruptcyGame()
- bankruptcyGameValue()
- bankruptcyGameVector()
- banzhafValue()
- baruaChakravartySarkarIndex()
- belongsToCore()
- belongsToCoreCover()
- belongsToImputationset()
- belongsToReasonableSet()
- belongsToWeberset()
- cardinalityGame()
- cardinalityGameValue()
- cardinalityGameVector()
- centroidCore()
- centroidCoreCover()
- centroidImputationSet()
- centroidReasonableSet()
- centroidWeberSet()
- colemanCollectivityPowerIndex()
- colemanInitiativePowerIndex()
- colemanPreventivePowerIndex()
- coreCoverVertices()
- coreVertices()
- costSharingGame()
- costSharingGameValue()
- costSharingGameVector()
- createBitMatrix()
- deeganPackelIndex()
- dictatorGame()
- dictatorGameValue()
- dictatorGameVector()
- disruptionNucleolus()
- divideTheDollarGame()
- divideTheDollarGameValue()
- divideTheDollarGameVector()
- drawCentroidCore()
- drawCentroidCoreCover()
- drawCentroidImputationSet()
- drawCentroidReasonableSet()
- drawCentroidWeberSet()
- drawCore()
- drawCoreCover()
- drawDeeganPackelIndex()
- drawDisruptionNucleolus()
- drawGatelyValue()
- drawImputationset()
- drawJohnstonIndex()
- drawModiclus()
- drawNormalizedBanzhafIndex()
- drawNormalizedBanzhafValue()
- drawNucleolus()
- drawPerCapitaNucleolus()
- drawPrenucleolus()
- drawProportionalNucleolus()
- drawPublicGoodIndex()
- drawPublicGoodValue()
- drawPublicHelpChiIndex()
- drawPublicHelpChiValue()
- drawPublicHelpIndex()
- drawPublicHelpValue()
- drawReasonableSet()
- drawShapleyShubikIndex()
- drawShapleyValue()
- drawSimplifiedModiclus()
- drawTauValue()
- drawWeberset()
- equalPropensityToDisrupt()
- gatelyValue()
- getCriticalCoalitionsOfPlayer()
- getDualGameVector()
- getEmptyParamCheckResult()
- getExcessCoefficients()
- getGainingCoalitions()
- getGapFunctionCoefficients()
- getkCover()
- getMarginalContributions()
- getMinimalRights()
- getMinimumWinningCoalitions()
- getNumberOfPlayers()
- getPerCapitaExcessCoefficients()
- getPlayersFromBitVector()
- getPlayersFromBMRow()
- getRealGainingCoalitions()
- getUnanimityCoefficients()
- getUtopiaPayoff()
- getVectorOfPropensitiesToDisrupt()
- getWinningCoalitions()
- getZeroNormalizedGameVector()
- getZeroOneNormalizedGameVector()
- gloveGame()
- gloveGameValue()
- gloveGameVector()
- imputationsetVertices()
- is1ConvexGame()
- isAdditiveGame()
- isBalancedGame()
- isConstantSumGame()
- isConvexGame()
- isDegenerateGame()
- isEssentialGame()
- iskConvexGame()
- isMonotonicGame()
- isNonnegativeGame()
- isQuasiBalancedGame()
- isSemiConvexGame()
- isSimpleGame()
- isSuperadditiveGame()
- isSymmetricGame()
- isWeaklyConstantSumGame()
- isWeaklySuperadditiveGame()
- johnstonIndex()
- koenigBraeuningerIndex()
- majoritySingleVetoGame()
- majoritySingleVetoGameValue()
- majoritySingleVetoGameVector()
- modiclus()
- nevisonIndex()
- nonNormalizedBanzhafIndex()
- normalizedBanzhafIndex()
- normalizedBanzhafValue()
- nucleolus()
- perCapitaNucleolus()
- Prenucleolus()
- propensityToDisrupt()
- proportionalNucleolus()
- publicGoodIndex()
- publicGoodValue()
- publicHelpChiIndex()
- publicHelpChiValue()
- publicHelpIndex()
- publicHelpValue()
- raeIndex()
- rawBanzhafIndex()
- rawBanzhafValue()
- reasonableSetVertices()
- shapleyShubikIndex()
- shapleyValue()
- simplifiedModiclus()
- stopOnInconsistentEstateAndClaimsVector()
- stopOnInvalidAllocation()
- stopOnInvalidBoolean()
- stopOnInvalidClaimsVector()
- stopOnInvalidCoalitionS()
- stopOnInvalidDictator()
- stopOnInvalidEstate()
- stopOnInvalidGameVector()
- stopOnInvalidGrandCoalitionN()
- stopOnInvalidIndex()
- stopOnInvalidLeftRightGloveGame()
- stopOnInvalidNChooseB()
- stopOnInvalidNumber()
- stopOnInvalidNumberOfPlayers()
- stopOnInvalidQuota()
- stopOnInvalidVetoPlayer()
- stopOnInvalidWeightVector()
- stopOnParamCheckError()
- tauValue()
- unanimityGame()
- unanimityGameValue()
- unanimityGameVector()
- webersetVertices()
- weightedVotingGame()
- weightedVotingGameValue()
- weightedVotingGameVector()
R Codes
- ApexGame.R
- BankruptcyGame.R
- BanzhafConcept.R
- BaruaChakravartySarkarConcept.R
- bitMatrix.R
- CardinalityGame.R
- CentroidCoreConcept.R
- CentroidCoreCoverConcept.R
- CentroidImputationSetConcept.R
- CentroidReasonableSetConcept.R
- CentroidWeberSetConcept.R
- CheckAllocationInConvexSet.R
- ColemanCollectivityConcept.R
- ColemanInitiativeConcept.R
- ColemanPreventiveConcept.R
- CoreConcept.R
- CoreCoverConcept.R
- CostSharingGame.R
- DeeganPackelConcept.R
- DictatorGame.R
- DivideTheDollarGame.R
- GameProperty1Convexity.R
- GamePropertyAdditivity.R
- GamePropertyBalancedness.R
- GamePropertyConstantSum.R
- GamePropertyConvexity.R
- GamePropertyDegeneration.R
- GamePropertyEssentiality.R
- GamePropertykConvexity.R
- GamePropertyMonotonicity.R
- GamePropertyNonnegativeGame.R
- GamePropertyQuasiBalancedness.R
- GamePropertySemiConvexity.R
- GamePropertySimpleGame.R
- GamePropertySuperadditivity.R
- GamePropertySymmetry.R
- GamePropertyWeaklyConstantSum.R
- GamePropertyWeakSuperadditivity.R
- GameVector.R
- GatelyConcept.R
- getCriticalCoalitionsOfPlayer.R
- getExcessCoefficients.R
- getGainingCoalitions.R
- getGapFunctionCoefficients.R
- getkCover.R
- getMarginalContributions.R
- getMinimalRights.R
- getMinimumWinningCoalitions.R
- getPerCapitaExcessCoefficients.R
- getRealGainingCoalitions.R
- getUnanimityCoefficients.R
- getUtopiaPayoff.R
- getWinningCoalitions.R
- GloveGame.R
- ImputationsetConcept.R
- imputationsetDraw.R
- indexCalculations.R
- JohnstonConcept.R
- KoenigBraeuningerConcept.R
- MajoritySingleVetoGame.R
- NevisonConcept.R
- NucleolusDerivatives.R
- ParameterChecks_CoopGame.R
- PublicGoodIndexConcept.R
- PublicGoodValueConcept.R
- PublicHelpChiIndexConcept.R
- PublicHelpChiValueConcept.R
- PublicHelpIndexConcept.R
- PublicHelpValueConcept.R
- RaeConcept.R
- ReasonableSetConcept.R
- setLabels.R
- ShapleyConcept.R
- TauConcept.R
- UnanimityGame.R
- Visualizer.R
- Visualizer3Point.R
- Visualizer3Set.R
- Visualizer4Point.R
- Visualizer4Set.R
- WebersetConcept.R
- WeightedVotingGame.R
Selected R package: CoopGame
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