R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- as.matrix.confusionMatrix()
- avNNet()
- bag()
- bagEarth()
- bagFDA()
- BloodBrain()
- BoxCoxTrans()
- calibration()
- caret-internal()
- caretFuncs()
- caretSBF()
- cars()
- classDist()
- confusionMatrix()
- confusionMatrix.train()
- cox2()
- createDataPartition()
- densityplot.rfe()
- dhfr()
- diff.resamples()
- dotplot.diff.resamples()
- dotPlot()
- downSample()
- dummyVars()
- featurePlot()
- filterVarImp()
- findCorrelation()
- findLinearCombos()
- format.bagEarth()
- gafs.default()
- gafs_initial()
- GermanCredit()
- getSamplingInfo()
- histogram.train()
- icr.formula()
- index2vec()
- knn3()
- knnreg()
- learning_curve_dat()
- lift()
- maxDissim()
- mdrr()
- modelLookup()
- models()
- nearZeroVar()
- nullModel()
- oil()
- oneSE()
- panel.lift2()
- panel.needle()
- pcaNNet()
- plot.gafs()
- plot.rfe()
- plot.train()
- plot.varImp.train()
- plotClassProbs()
- plotObsVsPred()
- plsda()
- postResample()
- pottery()
- prcomp.resamples()
- predict.bagEarth()
- predict.gafs()
- predict.knn3()
- predict.knnreg()
- predict.train()
- predictors()
- preProcess()
- print.confusionMatrix()
- print.train()
- recall()
- resampleHist()
- resamples()
- resampleSummary()
- rfe()
- rfeControl()
- Sacramento()
- safs()
- safsControl()
- safs_initial()
- sbf()
- sbfControl()
- scat()
- segmentationData()
- sensitivity()
- spatialSign()
- summary.bagEarth()
- tecator()
- thresholder()
- train()
- trainControl()
- twoClassSim()
- update.safs()
- update.train()
- varImp.gafs()
- varImp()
- var_seq()
- xyplot.resamples()
R Codes
- aaa.R
- adaptive.R
- additive.R
- avNNet.R
- bag.R
- bagEarth.R
- bagFDA.R
- basic2x2Stats.R
- BoxCoxTrans.R
- calibration.R
- caret-package.R
- caretTheme.R
- classDist.R
- classLevels.R
- common_code.R
- confusionMatrix.R
- createDataPartition.R
- createModel.R
- createResample.R
- diag.R
- dotplot.varImp.train.R
- dummyVar.R
- expoTrans.R
- extractPrediction.R
- extractProb.R
- featurePlot.R
- filterVarImp.R
- findCorrelation.R
- findLinearCombos.R
- format.bagEarth.R
- gafs.R
- getTrainPerf.R
- ggplot.R
- heldout.R
- icr.R
- knn3.R
- knnreg.R
- lattice.train.R
- learning_curve.R
- lift.R
- maxDissim.R
- misc.R
- modelLookup.R
- nearZeroVar.R
- negPredValue.R
- panel.needle.R
- pcaNNet.R
- plot.train.R
- plot.varImp.train.R
- plotClassProbs.R
- plotObsVsPred.R
- plsda.R
- posPredValue.R
- postResample.R
- prec_rec.R
- predict.PLS.R
- predict.train.R
- predictionFunction.R
- predictors.R
- preProcess.R
- print.mars.R
- print.train.R
- print.varImp.train.R
- probFunction.R
- reg_sims.R
- resampleHist.R
- resamples.R
- resampleSummary.R
- resampleWrapper.R
- rfe.R
- safs.R
- sampling.R
- selectByFilter.R
- selection.R
- sensitivity.R
- sortImp.R
- spatialSign.R
- specificity.R
- splsda.R
- suggestions.R
- thresholder.R
- train.default.R
- trainControl.R
- train_recipes.R
- trim.R
- twoClassSim.R
- updates.R
- varImp.R
- varImp.train.R
- workflows.R
Selected R package: caret
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