R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- ansi-styles()
- ansi_align()
- ansi_collapse()
- ansi_columns()
- ansi_grep()
- ansi_has_any()
- ansi_hide_cursor()
- ansi_html()
- ansi_html_style()
- ansi_nchar()
- ansi_nzchar()
- ansi_palettes()
- ansi_regex()
- ansi_simplify()
- ansi_string()
- ansi_strip()
- ansi_strsplit()
- ansi_strtrim()
- ansi_strwrap()
- ansi_substr()
- ansi_substring()
- ansi_toupper()
- ansi_trimws()
- boxx()
- builtin_theme()
- cat_line()
- cli-config()
- cli-package()
- cli()
- cli_abort()
- cli_alert()
- cli_blockquote()
- cli_bullets()
- cli_bullets_raw()
- cli_code()
- cli_debug_doc()
- cli_div()
- cli_dl()
- cli_end()
- cli_fmt()
- cli_format()
- cli_format_method()
- cli_h1()
- cli_li()
- cli_list_themes()
- cli_ol()
- cli_output_connection()
- cli_par()
- cli_process_start()
- cli_progress_along()
- cli_progress_bar()
- cli_progress_builtin_handlers()
- cli_progress_demo()
- cli_progress_message()
- cli_progress_output()
- cli_progress_step()
- cli_progress_styles()
- cli_rule()
- cli_sitrep()
- cli_status()
- cli_status_clear()
- cli_status_update()
- cli_text()
- cli_ul()
- cli_vec()
- cli_verbatim()
- code_highlight()
- code_theme_list()
- combine_ansi_styles()
- console_width()
- containers()
- demo_spinners()
- diff_chr()
- diff_str()
- faq()
- format_error()
- format_inline()
- get_spinner()
- hash_animal()
- hash_emoji()
- hash_md5()
- hash_sha1()
- hash_sha256()
- has_keypress_support()
- inline-markup()
- is_ansi_tty()
- is_dynamic_tty()
- is_utf8_output()
- keypress()
- links()
- list_spinners()
- make_ansi_style()
- make_spinner()
- match_selector()
- match_selector_node()
- num_ansi_colors()
- parse_selector()
- pluralization-helpers()
- pluralization()
- pluralize()
- pretty_print_code()
- progress-c()
- progress-utils()
- progress-variables()
- rule()
- ruler()
- simple_theme()
- spark_bar()
- spark_line()
- start_app()
- style_hyperlink()
- symbol()
- test_that_cli()
- themes()
- tree()
- unicode-width-workaround()
- utf8_graphemes()
- utf8_nchar()
- utf8_substr()
- vt_output()
R Codes
- aaa-utils.R
- aab-rstudio-detect.R
- ansi-hyperlink.R
- ansi-palette.R
- ansi-utils.R
- ansi.R
- ansiex.R
- app.R
- assertions.R
- box-styles.R
- boxes.R
- bullets.R
- cat.R
- cli-errors.R
- cli-package.R
- cli.R
- cliapp-docs.R
- cliapp.R
- containers.R
- debug.R
- defer.R
- diff.R
- docs.R
- enc-utils.R
- errors.R
- format-conditions.R
- format.R
- friendly-type.R
- glue.R
- hash.R
- inline.R
- internals.R
- keypress.R
- lorem.R
- num-ansi-colors.R
- onload.R
- pluralize.R
- prettycode.R
- print.R
- progress-along.R
- progress-bar.R
- progress-c.R
- progress-client.R
- progress-server.R
- progress-ticking.R
- progress-utils.R
- progress-variables.R
- rematch2.R
- rlang.R
- ruler.R
- rules.R
- server.R
- simple-theme.R
- sitrep.R
- sizes.R
- spark.R
- spinner.R
- status-bar.R
- symbol.R
- test.R
- themes.R
- time-ago.R
- time.R
- timer.R
- tree.R
- tty.R
- unicode.R
- utf8.R
- utils.R
- vt.R
- width.R
- zzz.R
Selected R package: cli
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