R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- approx.scotopic.luminance.LarsonEtAl.RGB()
- attenuationNumberOfEyes()
- B20()
- BowmanTCDS()
- calculateCircle()
- calculateTES()
- Color.Vision.c2g()
- Color.Vision.Daltonize()
- Color.Vision.Simulate()
- Color.Vision.VingrysAndKingSmith()
- createPNGbuttons()
- CVD-internal()
- D15Foutch()
- decolorize()
- dichromaticCopunctalPoints()
- effectiveCornealFluxDensity()
- effectivePupilArea()
- example1Lanthony1978()
- example2Lanthony1978()
- exampleBowman1982()
- exampleFarnsworth1974()
- exampleFM100()
- exampleNRC1981()
- exampleSimunovic2004()
- FarnsworthD15()
- FarnsworthMunsell100Hue()
- GellerTCDS()
- greyscale.avg()
- H16()
- illuminance2troland()
- interpretation.VingrysAndKingSmith()
- LanthonyD15()
- lightAdaptedPupilSize.Barten()
- lightAdaptedPupilSize.BlackieAndHowland()
- lightAdaptedPupilSize.Crawford()
- lightAdaptedPupilSize.DeGrootAndGebhard()
- lightAdaptedPupilSize.Holladay()
- lightAdaptedPupilSize.LeGrand()
- lightAdaptedPupilSize.MoonAndSpencer()
- lightAdaptedPupilSize.StanleyAndDavies()
- lightAdaptedPupilSize.WatsonAndYellott()
- lightAdaptedPupilSize.WinnEtAl()
- loadPNG()
- neutralPoint()
- plotConfusionVectors()
- Roth28()
- scoreD15Graphic()
- scoreD15TCDS()
- scoreFM100Graphic()
- scoreRoth28Graphic()
- showDuplicated()
- typicalD15()
- vectorPNGbuttons()
- VKSgraphic()
- VKStable2()
- XYZ2scotopic.Rawtran()
R Codes
Selected R package: CVD
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