R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- acs()
- ACSfunctions()
- actf()
- actfdiscrete()
- actfdiscreteInv()
- actfInv()
- acti()
- actpnts()
- advectionF()
- advectionF2()
- advectionFhyperbolic()
- advectionFradial()
- advectionFrotation()
- advectionFspiral()
- advectionFspiralCE()
- advectionFuniform()
- analyzeTS()
- anisotropyT()
- anisotropyT2()
- anisotropyTaffine()
- anisotropyTswirl()
- anisotropyTwave()
- AR1()
- ARp()
- BurrIII()
- BurrXII()
- checkRF()
- checkTS()
- CoSMoS-package()
- disch()
- ECDF()
- erfc()
- error()
- fitACS()
- fitactf()
- fitDist()
- fitVAR()
- generateMTS()
- generateMTSFast()
- generateRF()
- generateRFFast()
- generateTS()
- getACSArg()
- getDistArg()
- GEV()
- GGamma()
- lmom()
- moments()
- N()
- ParetoII()
- plot.acti()
- plot.checkTS()
- plot.cosmosts()
- plot.fitACS()
- plot.fitDist()
- PopulationStat()
- precip()
- quickTSPlot()
- regenerateTS()
- sample.moments()
- seasonalACF()
- seasonalAR()
- stcfclayton()
- stcfgneiting14()
- stcfgneiting16()
- stcs()
- stcs2()
- stratifySeasonData()
- YW()
R Codes
- acs.R
- actf.R
- acti.R
- advectionF.R
- analyzeTS.R
- anisotropyT.R
- AR1.R
- ARp.R
- burrIII.R
- burrXII.R
- checkTS.R
- CoSMoS.R
- disch.R
- ecdf.R
- erfc.R
- errors.R
- fitACS.R
- fitDist.R
- generateTS.R
- getArg.R
- gev.R
- ggamma.R
- lmom.R
- moments.R
- norm.R
- paretoII.R
- plotacti.R
- plotcosmosts.R
- population.R
- precip.R
- quickTSPlot.R
- seasonalACF.R
- seasonalAR.R
- stratifyData.R
Selected R package: CoSMoS
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