R Packages that start with:
A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z .
- AbstractCategory()
- addGeoMetadata()
- addSubvariable()
- addSummaryStat()
- addVariables()
- analysis-methods()
- appendDataset()
- appendStream()
- applyAgainst()
- applyTransforms()
- archive-and-publish()
- as-vector()
- as.environment-CrunchDataset-method()
- automation-undo()
- availableGeodataFeatures()
- batches()
- buildDelimRegex()
- c-categories()
- calcTransforms()
- catalog-dataframes()
- catalogToDataFrame()
- Categories()
- categoriesFromLevels()
- cd()
- changeCategoryID()
- checkInstalledPackages()
- check_margins()
- cleanseBatches()
- collapseCategories()
- collapse_dims()
- combine()
- compareDatasets()
- conditionalTransform()
- consent()
- ContextManager()
- copyFolders()
- copyOrder()
- copyOrderGroup()
- copyVariable()
- createDataset()
- createSubvarDeriv()
- createWithMetadataAndFile()
- createWithPreparedData()
- crtabs()
- crunch-api-key()
- crunch-extract()
- crunch-is()
- crunch-package()
- crunch-summary()
- crunch-uni()
- crunchAPI()
- crunchBox()
- CrunchDataFrame()
- CrunchDataset()
- CrunchVariable()
- crunch_sitrep()
- crunch_user_agent()
- cube-computing()
- cube-methods()
- cube-missingness()
- cube-residuals()
- cubeMeasureType()
- cut-DatetimeVariable-method()
- cut-NumericVariable-method()
- dashboard()
- dataset-owner()
- dataset-reference()
- dataset-to-R()
- DatasetOrder()
- datasets()
- deck-titles()
- decks()
- delete()
- deleteDataset()
- deleteSubvariables()
- deleteVariables()
- derivations()
- deriveArray()
- describe-catalog()
- describe-entity()
- dichotomize()
- dim-dataset()
- dimension-comparison-pairwise()
- dimension-comparison()
- dimSums()
- dropRows()
- duplicated()
- embedCrunchBox()
- ensureValidCase()
- envOrOption()
- escapeRegex()
- exclusion()
- exportDataset()
- exportDeck()
- expressions-internal()
- expressions()
- fillExpr()
- filter-catalog()
- flattenOrder()
- flipArrays()
- folder()
- forceVariableCatalog()
- forkDataset()
- fortify()
- generateNumCutLabels()
- generateWeightEntry()
- geo()
- getAccountUserCatalog()
- getDimTypes()
- getTeams()
- grabColNames()
- grabRowInd()
- grouped()
- handleAPIresponse()
- hasFunction()
- hide()
- http-methods()
- index.table()
- Insertions()
- interactVariables()
- is-na-categories()
- is-public()
- is.editor()
- is.TRUEorFALSE()
- joinDatasets()
- length()
- listDatasetGadget()
- listDatasets()
- loadDataset()
- lock()
- login()
- makeArrayGadget()
- makeCaseVariable()
- makeCaseWhenVariable()
- makeDimTransform()
- makeInsertion()
- makeMarginMap()
- makeMRFromText()
- makeWeight()
- margin-translation()
- matchCatToFeat()
- me()
- members()
- merge()
- mergeFork()
- modifyWeightVariables()
- moveLastElement()
- multitable-catalog()
- mv()
- na-omit-categories()
- newDataset()
- newDatasetByColumn()
- newDatasetFromFile()
- newDeck()
- newExampleDataset()
- newFilter()
- newMarkdownSlide()
- newMultitable()
- newProject()
- newSlide()
- notifyIfNewVersion()
- noTransforms()
- ordering()
- owners()
- palettes()
- pendingStream()
- pk()
- pollProgress()
- population()
- preCrunchBoxCheck()
- prepareDataForCrunch()
- projects()
- reassignUser()
- refresh()
- removeEmptyGroups()
- reorderSlides()
- replaceCharWithNumeric()
- replaceMissingWithTRUE()
- resolution()
- restoreVersion()
- retry()
- rmdir()
- rowCount()
- rowDistinct()
- runCrunchAutomation()
- saveVersion()
- scoreCatToFeat()
- script-catalog()
- searchDatasets()
- self()
- serialPaste()
- session-extract()
- session()
- setCrunchAPI()
- setEntitySlot()
- setEntitySlotWrapBody()
- setMultiEntitySlots()
- setName()
- setNames()
- setOrder()
- settings()
- setupCrunchAuth()
- set_crunch_config()
- share()
- shoji-index()
- shojifyDatasetMetadata()
- ShojiObject-class()
- ShojiOrder-slots()
- shojiURL()
- show()
- showTransforms()
- skipMissingCategories()
- slideCategories()
- slides()
- SO_schema()
- SO_survey()
- streaming()
- streamRows()
- SubtotalsHeadings()
- subtypeInsertion()
- Subvariables()
- SummaryStat()
- tabbook-dim()
- tabBook()
- table()
- team-sharing()
- temp.options()
- tojson-crunch()
- tokenAuth()
- toVariable()
- Transforms()
- translateCubeIndex()
- translateHidden()
- tuple-methods()
- type()
- unbind()
- unshare()
- urls()
- user-email()
- users()
- validateNamesInDims()
- var-categories()
- variable-as-methods()
- VariableCatalog()
- VariableDefinition()
- variableMetadata()
- VariableOrder()
- variables()
- versions()
- webApp()
- weight()
- weightVariables()
- which()
- with-context-manager()
- write.csv.gz()
- writePreparedData()
R Codes
- abstract-categories.R
- abstract-category.R
- add-subvariable.R
- add-variable.R
- AllClasses.R
- AllGenerics.R
- api.R
- append-dataset.R
- archive-and-publish.R
- as-data-frame.R
- as-vector.R
- auth.R
- automation.R
- batches.R
- case-variables.R
- case-when-variable.R
- categories.R
- category.R
- change-category-id.R
- combine-categories.R
- compare-categories.R
- compare-datasets.R
- compare-subvariables.R
- compare-variables.R
- compare.R
- conditional-transform.R
- consent.R
- context-manager.R
- copy.R
- crunch-data-frame.R
- crunch.R
- crunchbox.R
- cube-collapse-dimensions.R
- cube-dims.R
- cube-index-table.R
- cube-query.R
- cube-residuals.R
- cube-result.R
- cube-subset.R
- cube-transforms.R
- cube-variables.R
- cut.R
- dataset-catalog.R
- dataset-extract.R
- dataset-order.R
- dataset-reference.R
- dataset-stream.R
- dataset-update.R
- dataset.R
- datetime.R
- decks.R
- delete.R
- dichotomize.R
- dimension-transforms.R
- drop-rows.R
- edit-lock.R
- export-dataset.R
- expressions.R
- fill-variable.R
- filters.R
- folders.R
- fork-and-merge.R
- formula.R
- gadgets.R
- geo.R
- get-datasets.R
- github.R
- hide-variables.R
- insertions.R
- interact.R
- join-dataset.R
- json.R
- length.R
- make-array.R
- members.R
- merge-crunch-data-frame.R
- misc.R
- multitables.R
- new-dataset.R
- ordering.R
- palettes.R
- permission-catalog.R
- permissions.R
- pretty-print.R
- private-variables.R
- progress.R
- project-folder.R
- projects.R
- R-to-variable.R
- rowwise.R
- search.R
- session.R
- share.R
- shoji-catalog.R
- shoji-entity.R
- shoji-folder.R
- shoji-order-slots.R
- shoji-order.R
- shoji.R
- show.R
- slides.R
- sliding-categories.R
- SO-survey.R
- subtotals-and-headings.R
- subvariables.R
- summary-insertions.R
- tab-book.R
- teams.R
- transform-calculate.R
- transform.R
- tuple.R
- univariate.R
- user-info.R
- user.R
- variable-as-methods.R
- variable-catalog.R
- variable-definition.R
- variable-derivation.R
- variable-folder.R
- variable-metadata.R
- variable-order.R
- variable-summary.R
- variable-type.R
- variable-update.R
- variable.R
- variables.R
- versions.R
- weight.R
- zcl.R
Selected R package: crunch
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